Place Based Education
Place-Based Education (PBE) is anytime, anywhere learning that leverages the power of place, and learning space – not just the power of technology – to personalize learning. We’ve recently released a new book, The Power of Place: Authentic Learning Through Place-Based Education, which focuses on how PBE is an immersive learning experience that “places students in local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities and experiences, using these as a foundation for the study of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and other subjects across the curriculum.” PBE is also a natural complement to Personalized and Project-Based Learning, providing a way to connect these efforts to students’ local environment for engaging learning that leads to more engaged citizens.
Five Tips for Testing the Place-Based Education Waters
By: Jennifer Pieratt. The open-endedness of planning Place-Based Education can quickly go from exhilarating to overwhelming, so here are five tips to help teachers just dip their toe in the deeper learning pool.
20 Schools and Networks That Educate With A Sense of Place
An illustrative list of 20 U.S. schools implementing Place-Based Education by taking advantage of local geography to create authentic, meaningful and engaging personalized learning for students.
Place-Based Professional Learning in the New Tech Network
By: Julia McBride. Many recognize the power of place-based for students, but what about creating these types of professional learning opportunities for teachers?
Project-Based and Place-Based Learning in New Tech Schools
By: Julie McBride. Here are two examples of how New Tech Network schools often engage in project-based and place-based learning experiences that leverage partnerships and community assets for authentic and meaningful student learning.
Genius Loci: Place-Based Education & Why It Matters
Place-Based Education (PBE) is a learning approach that utilizes geography to create authentic, meaningful and engaging personalized learning for students. We have set out on a journey to learn more about what it is, why it works and who is doing it.
Learning (and Teaching) Leadership in the Early Grades
Mukilteo Elementary School in Washington State teaches students leadership skills by implementing FranklinCovey's The Leader In Me, a program designed to teach the '7 Habits of Successful People' to younger students.
Place-Based Education: Communities as Learning Environments
By: Nate McClennen. The place-based education approach can serve as a framework to connect learning models, increase the power of our educational system and serve as the foundation for a thriving democracy.
Chavez Schools: Where Grads Leave Ready to Make a Difference
While in Washington, D.C., we visited Chavez Schools, a school with expanded blended learning opportunities that's teaching its students three dimensions of college readiness: academic preparation, academic tenacity and college knowledge.