
Content that enables educators, edleaders, organizations and families to increase capacity, apply a growth mindset and implement what’s next in learning on behalf of those entrusted to them.


Good Work: Vacations

We all need a rhythm of renewal, emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual renewal to remain positive and focused, not once a year, but every month, every week, every day. Build positive habits into each day, read, write, play, and reflect. Stay connected to the important people in your life. Go out of your way to met new ones. Watch the sun go down. Stay fresh, stay challenged, and stay excited. If your work does not fit when you try to put it all together, go do something else. Life’s too short not to enjoy what you do.


Good Work: Love & Work

Erik Erikson recalled that Freud was once asked what he thought a normal person should be able to do well. The questioner probably expected a complicated, “deep” answer. But Freud simply said, “Lieben und arbeiten” (to love and to work). It pays to ponder on this simple formula; it grows deeper as you think about it.


Good Work: What Did You Accomplish This Week?

Source: Getty Images After college I started calling my parents on Sunday night.  My dad would start the conversation by asking, “What did you accomplish this week?”  Simple but frustrating, it called me to account.  It made me ask if the world was a better place by an…


Good Work: Flower Planting & Brand Building

Choosing a discipline is the choice of winners. –Michael Tracy and Fred Wiersema The Nike swoosh on so many shoes and clothes has become synonymous with the “Just Do It” attitude.  It captures the soul of the youth culture and personifies Nike’s niche.  Brands like the Nike swoosh…


Staff Picks: AEI & Fordham Reports, McGraw-Hill Language Arts

This week, Karen picks the AEI report Good and Evil. Caroline picks the launch of McGraw-Hill Education's new online language arts program. Sarah picks an article by Lauren Wanger on improving online learning with self-directed learning measures. Tom picks two must read papers from Fordham Institute.


Good Work: A Pretty Good Place to Work

After a long weekend I was excited about coming back to work as a public school superintendent but fresh holiday intentions were distracted an hour into the day. People were lined up at my door, “I just can’t get along with her.” “I don’t get any recognition for my hard work.” “It’s out of control—you need to fix this.”