The Future of Tech and Work
The Future of Tech and Work is how human beings work and the tools they use and will use in the future. For those interested in big data, the internet of things (IOT), block chain, artificial intelligence (AI), IOT, computer science and coding.
Dream Jobs of the Innovation Age
By: Cameron Paterson. It is important to develop transferable skills and career insights for young people to aspire to the dream jobs of the innovation age.
Turning Dead Malls into Community Assets
Repurposing dead malls may be the right invention opportunity to create human development centers while salvaging returns for property owners.
Teacher Care: Apps and Ideas for Finding Balance
Rachelle Dene Poth shares apps and ideas for teachers to focus on self-care and mindfulness.
Paid Internships Propel Albuquerque Youth
Tom shares how Future Focused Education has transitioned its internship program into a hybrid model to better support students through the pandemic.
Leaders Are Not the Chief Decider, They Are Decision Architects
Decision making now includes more complexity, more stakeholders, and more agreements needed to be reached. Leaders need better tools and templates to make better decisions yielding coherent and effective change.
Lining Up Career Dreams with Reality
By: Dr. Suzette Lovely. Suzette discusses how to build exposure and aspirations around careers that may not currently exist.
15 Invention Opportunities in Learning
By: Tom Vander Ark. The pandemic quickly shifted modalities and use patterns and resulted in new capabilities and stretched perceptions of possibilities. Tom shares 15 opportunities for invention in learning.
The Future of VR & AR in Education
By: Helen Vlasova. Many educators predict a bright future for VR and AR to improve the learning process and positively disrupt the education system.
Welcome To Human-Computer Co-Creation: What GPT-3 Means For Education
By: Tom Vander Ark and Rachelle Dene Poth. Tom and Rachelle discuss Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), a new deep learning language model that produces human-like text and it's implications on education.
Lifelong Learning is the Antidote to the Shifting Workforce
By: The Skillrise Editorial Team. Along with the EdTech Center @ World Education, the Skillrise team is working to close digital divides and ensure that all learner-workers in the United States have opportunities to develop essential technology skills and digital resilience.