Competency-Based Education
Competency-Based Education implies leaving behind the A-F grading scale and designing instruction that includes explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives to empower students with specificity in their learning and at its best, enables them to move at their own pace (often coupled with personalized learning). It also emphasizes the same departure of other modern pedagogy in that students create knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge going forward. This topic impacts credentialing, mastery and assessment.
19 Year Old Earns Bachelors Degree
Learn how 19-year-old Tiana Brown just graduated from college debt-free through her innovative high school early college program.
Shining the Competency Education Light on Education in the Time of COVID-19
COVID-19 has created the conditions for a radical transformation in our schools. Chris discusses how personalized, mastery-based, competency, and proficiency-based approaches help teachers and schools.
Book Review: Reinventing Crediting for CBE
Reinventing Crediting for Competency Based Education by Jonathan E. Martin explores why our K-12 educational crediting system needs to change, providing both examples for how to lead the change and suggested next steps.
Competency-Based Approaches Focus On Skills, Relevancy and Personalization
Redefining learning outcomes and assessments by applying competency-based approaches will lead to more personalized and relevant learning. Â
Highlander Institute’s Strategy Refresh: Pursuing 20/20 Vision for Personalized Learning
Cathy Sanford from the Highlander Institute explains how they are shifting their focus for their 9th conference from Blended & Personalized Learning Conference to Personalization 2020.
No Excuse Not to Teach Climate Crisis Mitigation and Adaptation
The climate crisis and the rise of artificial intelligence will be the dominant issue in the lives of young people for the next 20 years and we have no excuse not teach them about it.
Holacracy: Organizing for Change at D51
Holacracy is a system for agile self-organizing. At District 51 change management was and is being facilitated by a holacratic structure.
Designing, Assessing, and Implementing Educator Micro-credentials
After a year of collaborative development, CCSSO, Digital Promise, and other national organizations have released a set of principles for relevant and impactful educator micro-credentials.
Show What You Know: A Parent’s Guide to the Global Shift to Competency
Our education system has six big problems, but solutions spurred by global initiates are emerging to tackle these prevalent issues.
Teaching Technology, Digital Literacy as Global Competencies
We can use technology to have our students transform their world and the world at large by ensuring their digital literacy.