Smart Teachers
Smart Teachers is for celebrating the work of powerful educators working to innovate classrooms and provide high-quality learning experiences.
A Pedagogy of Possibilities: Social Justice Delivered Through Literature and Writing
Developing a framework for a socially just school through literature and writing goes beyond the classroom to lessen apathy, enhance relationships and solidify student ownership.
Teaching AI: Exploring New Frontiers for Learning
Inspired by the growing popularity of AI in pop culture and media, as well as more adaptive learning programs being released, Michelle Zimmerman realized change was coming for both what and how young people should learn and set out to write "Teaching AI: Exploring New Frontiers for Learning".
How Personalized Learning Fosters Trial, Error and a Healthy Dose of Risk
By: Brandy Holton. Infusing some of these principles into your work and creating your own innovative projects and lesson plans can empower students rather than lecturing them which can leave you with an inspiring a-ha moment!
Give Greatness: Recognizing Teachers Who Inspire Us
Teachers are more than just educators. They are our coaches, our confidants, our counselors and so much more. They shape us in ways we never thought possible. It’s time to give back and say thank you to the teachers who made the biggest impact on our lives.