Posts by Tom Vander Ark
Why Teach Journalism When AI Writes Articles?
While there are fewer newspaper roles, job boards are full of journalism, communications, advocacy and marketing jobs where strong writing matters.
Partnerships Power Innovative St Vrain Valley Pathways
At St. Vrain Valley School District, the commitment to supporting great teaching in every classroom is unparalleled.
Paul Quinn College: Affordable, Relevant, Transformative Higher Education
The Work Program at Paul Quinn College provides students with meaningful service opportunities that help develop competitive job skills while contributing toward the cost of their education.
How a Dallas Restaurant Became a National Youth Development System
Café Momentum is not just a restaurant, it’s a youth development system with an ecosystem of support including paid internships, education and training, and physical and mental health support.
The Math of Making Wine
After four seasons, Marcus Rafanelli joined L’Ecole as Winemaker and his story underscores the value of work-based learning in high school and college.
Purpose Powered Education
What if we put purpose, this motivating driver, at the center of education? Tom Vander Ark shares more in his latest post.
How a Purpose Mindset Helps Navigate Life
In their new book, How to Navigate Life, Dr. Belle Liang and Tim Klein, advocate for cultivating a purpose mindset.
How Systems and States Can Encourage Better Project-Based Learning
Projects develop critical skills including problem definition, design thinking, problem-solving, communications, collaboration, and project management.
The Rooted School Network: Experiencing Success in College and Work in High School
Rooted Schools exist to provide “personal pathways to financial freedom" and is emerging as a national microschool network blending college credit, work experience and industry credentials (a nimble, next-gen P-TECH cousin) with strong supports in student-centered environments.
How YouScience is Closing the Aptitude and Interest Gap
YouScience Discovery is a series of brain games that uncover learner aptitudes and match them with best-fit careers.