Posts by Tom Vander Ark
Get the F Out
The pandemic has created new opportunities for how to define success for our students. It starts with getting rid of the "F".
Human Work: Learn Stuff Computers Can’t Do
Learning design should be centered around the broader aims of what students can achieve and how they can solve the biggest problems facing society.
How To Unblock Curiosity And Build Creativity
Curiosity might be the most important disposition of the new age. Unlocking curiosity may the key to innovating.
Pandemic Opportunity: Rethink Education Accountability
Tom discusses what an updated accountability system may look like and what our school systems need to create equitable achievement.
Paid Internships Propel Albuquerque Youth
Tom shares how Future Focused Education has transitioned its internship program into a hybrid model to better support students through the pandemic.
The Biggest Source of Inequity Might Be the Way We Fund Schools
In America, there are several sources of inequities in wealth and income but Tom looks to uncover what might be the biggest source of inequity—school funding.
Leaders Are Not the Chief Decider, They Are Decision Architects
Decision making now includes more complexity, more stakeholders, and more agreements needed to be reached. Leaders need better tools and templates to make better decisions yielding coherent and effective change.
Invention Opportunity: Creating a Shared Reality
In the first of the Invention Opportunity series, Tom discusses the importance of shared reality - a necessity of leadership and systems.
15 Invention Opportunities in Learning
By: Tom Vander Ark. The pandemic quickly shifted modalities and use patterns and resulted in new capabilities and stretched perceptions of possibilities. Tom shares 15 opportunities for invention in learning.
The Future Of Learning Is Smart Measurement Rather Than Dumb Assessments
The future of learning is smart measurement-- a collection of authentic and adaptive observations over time. The results help learners understand their growth and tell their stories.