Posts by Getting Smart Staff


Teached — Film Clip

Kelly Amis, a former corps member of Teach for America, is making a film about the systemic gaps in the American education infrastructure.


Interview: Dr. Mark Luetzelschwab, Agilix

Brain Honey company Agilix is moving from Learning Management Systems to a "platform for learning platforms" approach, while also launching a drag-and-drop curriculum tool that could one day link up every teacher in America using the system, according to SVP SVP Product Development and Marketing Dr. Mark Luetzelschwab.


Putting Ed Reform Policy Makers in Charge of Better Info Systems

Data Quality Campaign Managing Director Aimee Guidera says that in the push for Longitudinal Data Systems, some of these states have built Maseratis, but it's not worth it if you can't drive them anywhere, or you dont' know how to drive. Here is her push to get state decision makers to support strong LDS infrastructure and use.


NYC Chancellor Struggling to Upend Seniority Clause with City Teachers

Joel Klein tries to fight for rookie teachers, who are most at risk for being laid off but who have the most potential for making lasting influences on students. His barrier: the teacher's union, which fights to preserve the positions of older teachers. The real problem: we don't have the right data to show who should stay or who should go.