Posts by Michael Niehoff
Embracing Partners: 7 Human Resources of PBL
By: Michael Niehoff. Michael outlines the partners that should be involved in project-based learning when creating authenticity and high-quality student work.
Project-Based Learning Revolution: Principal’s New Book is a Call to Action
Michael shares how one Principal calls for a PBL revolution one school at a time with new research and an experience-based DIY book.
4 Ways Leaders Can Support Teachers In Challenging Times
Michael Niehoff shares ways leaders can support our teachers while preparing for the upcoming school year.
Redefining Pre-Service Learning In The Virtual Age
Whether it’s modeling better virtual instruction, as well as increased emphasis on social-emotional learning, school leaders and professional learning facilitators are having to rethink how to prepare teachers for the school year. Â
5 Ways To Extend Learning and Challenge Learners in the Virtual Environment
With many schools across the country having to start the academic year virtually, we need to continually consider how to challenge all of our students and authentically extend their learning.
3 Ways Leaders Can Create The Conditions for Deeper Learning
Leaders are charged with creating the learning culture and environment that is conducive to deeper learning. Three areas to begin with are how we start school, how we share student work and how we culminate the year.
‘Voices Of A Learning World’ Aims To Be New Medium for the Global Redesign of Learning
18 education practitioners, thought leaders and edupreneurs from around the world—Voices Of A Learning World—have come together to engage all stakeholders in envisioning a new dawn in learning.
iLEAD’s Equity Task Force Takes A Stand Against Racial Injustice, Inequality
In order to have a deeper understanding of equity, institutional biases, and anti-racism, Michae shares how iLEAD Schools have set an urgent response in motion
19 Year Old Earns Bachelors Degree
Learn how 19-year-old Tiana Brown just graduated from college debt-free through her innovative high school early college program.
Student Leadership: The Ultimate Course for Career and Life Readiness
Students can address schoolwide challenges while gaining valuable lifelong skills focused on creativity, empathy, entrepreneurism, service, and collaboration.