Posts by John Hardison
Bad Breath and the Art of Teaching
Teaching is an extremely challenging job, and by many accounts it appears to be growing more so each year. But with an invigorating and occasional pause each day, all teachers can be fully aware practitioners of the art of teaching.
Hours of Details=90 Seconds of Glory
By asking my students to bring literature to life in these 90-second videos, they learn teamwork and attention to detail in addition to the lessons of the actual story.
Ahh Yeah! The Slow Jams Are Back
What do you get when you cross Jimmy Fallon with East Hall High School's innovative Studio 113 American Literature class? Another awesome "Slow Jam The Poem" lesson plan.
Drop the Syllabus for a “No-Dis Day” on Day One
Here is my creative first day of school approach to introduce the classroom vision and guidelines while avoiding the usual coma-like state of boredom that renders students disengaged, disillusioned and disconcerted.
Do You Know Me? The Voice of a Disgruntled Student in a Boring Class
These heartfelt words from Student X will shake you to your teaching core, motivate you to ex-out any negativity and constantly inspire you to bring your “A” game to the classroom.
Want Student Engagement? Stage It and Set the Hook
When I was a young adolescent, bass fishing excursions with my father were either the longest and most boring six hours of pointless casting or a crank-tastic time tied together by a lure, line, and learned lessons.
Opportunity: The Heart of Passion-Based Learning
I am forever grateful to these teachers for all they instilled in me, and these creative opportunities now constitute the very heart of one of my favorite projects offered to students in "Studio 113" -- The Crucible Passion-Based Contract. Here are some of the recent opportunities and the results.
The Front Porch: A Rockin’ Interactive Structure
Getting Smart Teacher Blogger John Hardison shares Studio 113’s “Front Porch,” an interactive, discussion-based learning structure where improvisational acting meets a flowing and focused conversation.
Education Through Students’ Eyes: A Dry-Erase Animated Video
According to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., “It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.” However, when applied to education and the interactions between students and teachers, does this quotation ring true?
It May Be the End of the School Year If…
Still can't believe another school year has passed? Check out these 25 questions to bridge the gap between disbelief and reality.