Posts by Eric Nentrup
Book Review: Digital for Good
Eric Nentrup reviews "Digital for Good: Raising Kids to Thrive in an Online World" a book by Richard Culatta, CEO of ISTE.
Eric Sheninger’s Disruptive Thinking in our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for Their Future
Eric Sheninger's “Disruptive Thinking in our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for Their Future" is a book that dares you to reimagine, rethink and relearn what you know about leading in the classroom.
TLA’s Real-Time Redesign Toolkit Helps Schools Make Practical and Positive Change
The Learning Accelerator (TLA) shares toolkits that provide learning strategies and guided activities for educators.
Organizing a Modern Edtech Stack for Modern Pedagogy, Part III: The Learning Object
In the third part of a series on the edtech stack, Eric outlines what is called the learning object repository.
How Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Reduced Their Failure Rate by over 60%
PK Diffenbaugh and Beth Wodecki of MPUSD reworked systems and processes to create a more equitable learning experience that sustains engagement.
A Reliable Hybrid Learning Model: Cedar Rapids Schools Respond to Setbacks
By: Eric Nentrup. Superintendent Noreen Bush and the Cedar Rapids Community School District discuss how they managed setbacks over the past year and maintained a mindset to keep moving forward.
Organizing a Modern Edtech Stack for Modern Pedagogy, Part II: The LMS
In part two of a series of investigating your edtech stack, Eric outlines how to evaluate your LMS.
Organizing a Modern Edtech Stack for Modern Pedagogy, Part I: The SIS
As the year is progressing, it may be time to evaluate the performance of your student information system (SIS) and how to improve upon things for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year and beyond.
Making a Difference: Education for Refugees
Dr. Ilene Winokur has been educating displaced refugees and mentoring emerging education leaders, creating opportunities, and making a difference for people in the Middle East for three decades.
Teachers Need Synchronized Edtech in 2021 More Than Ever
Project Unicorn's Educator Toolkit is a great resource for giving educators an entry into data interoperability.