Posts by Emily Liebtag
HQPBL Case Study: Katherine Smith School
At Katherine Smith School, high quality project-based learning experiences are the norm. Learn more about their successes in our latest HQPBL case study.
Da Vinci Schools Expand Opportunities in Los Angeles
Through a commitment to innovation and deeper learning, Da Vinci Schools are working to ensure students are prepared for post-secondary experiences. Tom and Emily share how Da Vinci Schools are expanding opportunities for students throughout Los Angeles.
Odyssey STEM: First to Combine Big Picture and Altitude Learning
What does it mean to be deeply connected to your mission but also responsive to new student needs and goals? Take a look at how Odyssey STEM Academy worked to design their school and learning environments.
HQPBL Case Study: Energy Institute High School
The Energy Institute High School is the first-ever high school devoted to preparing students to enter careers in the energy field, and high quality Project Based Learning (HQPBL) is at its core. Learn how schools can partner together with industries to provide HQPBL experiences which prepare students to succeed in their next phase of life.
Defining High-Quality Project-Based Learning
Discover how the new Framework for High-Quality Project-Based Learning helps educators better prepare students to contribute in the innovation economy.
Camp C-Block Introduces Blockchain Technology to Black Girls
Project Bitmobile aims to empower women and girls in this emerging technical field by providing real-life introductions to blockchain technology by increasing awareness of the possibilities of blockchain technology and crypto assets.
Focus on the NOW, Not Always on the Future
We are often talking about the future of learning but what if we focused on now? Emily Liebtag explores the power of students untapped passions right now.
HQPBL Case Study: ACE Leadership High School
ACE Leadership High School primarily serves students who have already or seemingly were on their way to, dropping out of high school. On average, students at ACE have been enrolled in three or more high schools and frequently claim that school wasn’t working for them. Many hold jobs, sometimes even two, and typically come from low socio-economic backgrounds.
HQPBL Case Study: Liceo Pablo Neruda
In a number of locations across Chile, several organizations and schools have embraced PBL—and officials in the country’s Ministry of Education are gearing up to implement capstone project experiences in the last two years of high school.
Smart Review | Learner-Centered Innovation
By: Emily Liebtag and Adam Kulaas. We think Learner-Centered Innovation by Dr. Katie Martin is a must-read. It sparks action, which as an underlying theme echoed throughout the book, with an emphasis on continuous improvement. Here, we look at it in a little more depth.