Posts by David Ross
Are Cultural Competence and Global Competence the Same Thing?
David Ross explores the semantics of cultural and global competence to help us understand if they are in fact the same thing or not.
Four Keys to Success at the Most Innovative Schools in the World
Recent visits to renowned centers of innovation had David Ross pondering what it means to wear the label "one of the most innovative schools in the world." Here's what he learned made these institutions innovative.
The Anywheres and Somewheres of Global Education
A recent trip to Moscow re-enforced one of David Ross's longtime concerns with global education. Learn more about the Anywheres and Somewheres of global education.
Closing the Familiarity Gap Through Global Education
By: David Ross. In July we launched the Global Schools Network in an attempt to connect schools around the world who care deeply about global competence, global awareness, and linguistic competence. Learn more about our initiative here.
Why The Four Cs Will Become the Foundation of Human-AI Interface
I’ve begun to realize that P21 and the many other organizations that promote the 4Cs need to rethink what these skills mean with the advent of AI. The P21 skills framework was conceptualized with human-to-human interaction as the default assumption--here's why I think that will change in the near future.
Helping Young Children Build 21st-Century Skills
By: David Ross. As part of their advocacy for integrating 21st-century skills into early learning experiences for young children, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and its partners released these two resources to support educator and parent efforts.
Empowering Our Students with 21st-Century Skills for Today
By: Dave Ross. In this globally and digitally interconnected world, all learners, from cradle to career, need new skills and knowledge to succeed. Here's how we can empower them with these 21st-Century Skills.
The 5 Pillars of Whole School Transformation
By: David Ross. Having concluded our recent study of 75 "Exemplar Schools" succeeding at providing 21st-century learning, we believe these are the foundational features necessary to transform into a 21st-century school.
4 Systemic Supports for High Quality PBL
By: David Ross. Here are four support systems that enable teachers to practice high-quality project-based learning and achieve desired educational outcomes for 21st-century students.