Future of Learning

4 Ways to Flip School Culture

Most in education have heard the term ‘ flipped.’ In school, this has simply meant changing the instructional approach by turning what you’ve traditionally done upside down. Common examples have been moving the independent work associated with homework to the classroom and the direct instruction associated with class to home. But when we normally […]

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Hybrid Instruction Creates More Time for Formative Assessments

[…] more essential to the “in-person” classroom time than in prior years. For teachers to create classrooms that support hybrid learning involves working with teachers on developing a  flipped learning mindset. Flipped learning is a pedagogical approach where the concept of new learning is done in an individual space rather than a group space. The […]

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Equity & Access

Returning to School: Why Video Is Here to Stay

[…] tell their story, use a different format than they’ve used before to explain work and build and share their own lessons with classmates. Imagine the power of flipped student presentations. Flip Your Classroom. Utilize the power of video by recording some of your direct instruction plans for learners to watch as “homework” then spending […]

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Seven Takeaways from ISTE 2022

An event like ISTE 2022 can ignite opportunities to find new pathways in education. Rachelle Dené Poth shares her highlights.

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Inverting the Teaching Pyramid with AI

By: Eric Wang We hire teachers to instruct, connect and inspire. Then we saddle them with repetitive, simple tasks that eat up all their time and get in the way of the important things we want and need them to do. We need to change this before we can change anything else. AI is the […]

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New Pathways

Developing Career Clarity in High School

MajorClarity is a career and college readiness platform for middle and high school students that allows learners to test drive possible careers.

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