Future of Learning

PBL and Early Childhood Education: The Perfect Match

By: Michael Niehoff. Educator and author Sara Lev advocates that young learners deserve and are prepared for the same rigorous, engaging and meaningful learning that PBL provides as learners of all ages.

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Personalized Learning

3 Ways Leaders Can Create The Conditions for Deeper Learning

[…] the conditions for deeper learning: 1. Start At The Beginning How we start and end things says a lot about who we are. Projects, in a healthy PBL culture, typically have entry events or launches where we do something significant (field work, guest speaker, simulation, activity, etc.) in order to engage our students. If […]

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Getting Through

A Resource for COVID-Weary Parents: New eBook on Doing PBL at Home

[…] we’ve learned a few things about remote learning. We’ve been reminded—and many educators have realized—that now more than ever, this is the time for project-based learning ( PBL). To help meet the needs of families, we’ve created a free resource. A Free Resource for Families In June, PBLWorks launched a new free eBook, This […]

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New Pathways

Fostering Personalized Learning Journeys

[…] foster the development of student agency, boost student engagement and enhance student awareness of the issues and perspectives of the world around them. 3. Project-based learning ( PBL): With PBL, students build self-management skills because it can be challenging to decide on your learning path. They build social awareness and empathy as they learn […]

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Place Based Education

The Trail to Recovery: Addressing Learning Gaps Through Project-Based Learning

[…] by considering project-based learning, not as a separate item on the list, but the pedagogical approach that we can use to incorporate and deliver the other four. PBL models that are informed by research, like PBLWorks’ Gold Standard approach, already emphasize the need for collaborative experiences where students work together to support each other’s […]

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Equity & Access

Empower Generations: Coaching for Higher Quality Project Design and Learner Success

For practitioners of Project-Based Learning ( PBL), the project design process is essential to student success. With this in mind, the team at Empower Generations – a charter high school focused on supporting pregnant and parenting teens – has instituted a collaborative process that demonstrates the value of taking one’s work public, as well […]

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Personalized Learning

Embracing Partners: 7 Human Resources of PBL

[…] and focusing on real-world challenges. And in a world that is rapidly becoming more tech-infused, globalized, and automated, there is one magic bullet that addresses the aforementioned PBL elements, as well as these evolutionary changes. It’s People: The Human Resources of Project-Based Learning. Here are seven types of potentially valuable partners that can increase […]

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