Smart List: 50 Organizations, Schools, Networks and Resources Improving SEL

As we come to the end of our October theme of physical and emotional school safety and social and emotional learning (SEL), we’ve been struck by just how many great resources and organizations we’ve worked with and heard about. It’s enough to feel a bit overwhelmed.

That’s why, to close out the month, we’ve compiled the following list of schools and districts doing good work on SEL, organizations developing effective new strategies and PD, organizations advocating for SEL and resources for teachers and EdLeaders.

We know there are a lot of organizations and people doing great work that we missed, but we hope this will get the ball rolling–please feel free to leave a comment with any additional resources you think are worth checking out!

Organizations Developing and Advocating for Effective New SEL Strategies

Teacher Resources for Addressing and Understanding SEL

School Networks and Districts With an Effective Approach to SEL

We’d like to give a special thanks to ASCD and Debbie Zacarian, Lourdes Alvarez-Ortiz and Judie Haynes, authors of Teaching to Strengths: Supporting Students Living with Trauma, Violence, and Chronic Stress, for contributing ideas to this list.

Smart List LogoWe’re sure we missed some great resources. What would you add? Share in the comments section below, and don’t forget to check out our other recent Smart Lists at our Smart List Series Page.

Our Smart Lists are some of our most popular posts, and upcoming sponsorship opportunities are still available. Interested in learning more? Contact Erik: [email protected].

This Smart List is sponsored by Getting Smart Services, Getting Smart’s consulting division that helps schools, districts, networks and impact-oriented partners create, implement and amplify thought leadership campaigns, education initiatives, powerful learning experiences and forward-leaning strategies. Learn more about what they can do to support your education initiatives here.

Stay in-the-know with all things EdTech and innovations in learning by signing up to receive the weekly Smart Update. This post includes mentions of a Getting Smart partner. For a full list of partners, affiliate organizations and all other disclosures, please see our Partner page.

Erik Day

Erik manages projects for Getting Smart’s strategic advisory partnerships. With a system-oriented outlook and a background in marketing and communication, he oversees the details that ensure our partners’ initiatives are powerful and effective.

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Bob Fiori

There is a research based (Penn State) and highly effective program called Project TEAM. Its been tested in the field for 6 years and refined by teachers who use it daily. Its based on decades of research. It was released by TEAMology, and all can learn more here at


Bob Fiori

...and thank you for focusing on such an important subject.

Paul Burt

SEL for Prevention (.com) should definitely be added for their comprehensive and engaging K-8 curriculum.


Erik Day

Thanks for the suggestion, Paul!


Panorama just raised $16M to expand


Will you be updating a list similar to this one any time soon?

Barbara Steffensen

Resilience Inc is a nonprofit company that incorporates technology into SEL curriculum. It's a fairly new company but they have some pretty cool SEL computer games and programs that use the Oculus goggles.

social emotional learning for kindergarten

What an inspiring list! It's great to see so many organizations dedicated to advancing SEL. Such a valuable resource! It's exciting to see the momentum around SEL.

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