60 Popular Education Twitter Hashtags
We recently updated this post with more hashtags and better organization! Check out our new list of 100 popular education hashtags.
You’ve seen it when you visit Twitter – a million and one different hashtags are used every day. Some are actually helpful when you are trying to search for important things like #GOPDebate or #NationalCatDay. Some of them are #completelymadeupandridiculous, either on accident or on purpose. But when used properly, hashtags can get help you get involved in important conversations.
But one thing is clear – when you use hashtags strategically, you can join popular conversations and strengthen the impact of your tweets. Some best practices when using hashtags include:
- If you are wondering if others are using a certain keyword for a hashtag, simply enter it into the Twitter search function with the # before it and see what it pulls up.
- Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message will show you all other Tweets using that keyword.
- Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet – at the beginning, middle or end.
- Don’t use too many hashtags. Three is plenty for one tweet – otherwise it gets too hard to read.
- Hashtagged words that become very popular often become Trending Topics (that’s a whole blog post on its own).
In the education world there are hundreds of hashtags used, and it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing to pick a good one. Here are some of the most popular education hashtags that we’ve seen. Do you have any you’d like to add? Reply in the comments below or tag us @Getting_Smart in your own tweet and include #edutweets.
- #BlendedLearning
- #CCChat (Common Core Chat)
- #CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
- #CommonCore
- #CompetencyEd
- #Curriculum
- #DeeperLearning
- #DigLN
- #EarlyEd
- #EdApp
- #EdChat
- #EdData
- #EdLeaders
- #EdPolicy
- #EdReform
- #EdTech
- #EdTechChat
- #Edu
- #Education
- #Educhat
- #EduVC
- #ELearning
- #ElemSchool
- #Engagement
- #HigherEd
- #HighSchool
- #Innovation
- #K12
- #KEdu (Kindergarten)
- #Leadership
- #LearnerExperience
- #Literacy
- #MiddleSchool
- #NTChat (New Teacher Chat)
- #OnlineLearning
- #Parents
- #PTChat (Parent/Teacher)
- #PassionDrive
- #PBL
- #PBLChat
- #PersonalizedLearning
- #PLearning
- #PreSchool
- #SmartParents
- #Student(s)
- #Teacher(s)
- #TeacherPD
- #artsed (Art)
- #finearts
- #engchat (English)
- #math
- #mathchat
- #musedchat (Music)
- #socialstudies
- #sschat (Social Studies)
- #scichat (Science)
- #langchat (Foreign Language)
- #historyteacher
- #physed
Ready to expand beyond the education hashtags? For more on social media, check out:
- 100+ Education Twitter Accounts to Follow
- 5 Tips for Managing Social Media (Before it Manages You)
- Build Your Brand: How a Positive Social Media Presence can Lead to a Career
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