2010 Innovation Through Interoperability Forum

We are excited for you to join us for the 2010 Education Innovation through Interoperability Forum scheduled on July 16, 2010 at the Washington Court Hotel.  Register today to secure your spot!
The Innovation through Interoperability Forum convenes a select group of 50 invited participants with different perspectives to discuss emerging issues in education and how data interoperability will enable a new era of transparency, efficiency, productivity, accountability, real-time decision–making, and innovation.
The objectives of the meeting are:

  • Share first-hand experience on critical issues
  • Brainstorm innovative solutions
  • Identify plausible partners and roles
  • Summarize and share results to the participants

Invitees are selected from the following categories to bring unique perspectives on each issue:

  • State Education Technology Leaders
  • University and School District Leaders
  • Foundations/NGO
  • Federal Government
  • Investment Groups
  • Service Providers

The forum will cover four primary areas.

  • Results –measuring and sharing summative results
  • Progress –robust and authentic progress monitoring
  • Content – digital content and assessments
  • Identity – federated models for sharing data

While the primary forum is limited to 50 participants, each invitee is encouraged to bring one technology representative to participate in the parallel technology sessions that look at the same issues from a more technical perspective.  All attendees will need to register.
For an updated Agenda, please visit http://www.agilix.com/iif/

Friday, July 16, 2010

8:30-8:45 AM       Welcome and Opening Remarks Curt Allen & Mark Luetzelschwab
8:45-9:00 AM       Welcome from Anthony Salcito, Microsoft VP WW Public Sector — Education
9:00-9:30 AM       Keynote – Michael Horn “Effectively Disrupting the Status Quo in Education”
9:30-10:00 AM    Via Video – CCSSO: LEARN – Christopher Lohse Strategic Initiative Director of
Information Systems and Research and Alexander Jackl, CIO and Chief Architect
10:00-10:45 AM    Solutions Showcase:  What’s working today

  • Daniel Igarashi, COO MS Tech, “Transforming Teacher Effectiveness in Sao Paulo”
  • Superintendent Dr. John Covington, Kansas City School District, “Maximizing student success through personalized learning technology”
  • Cory Linton, School Improvement Network “Building Integrated Teacher Professional Development Solutions that work”
  • Mathew Taylor, Solutions Architect, Intel Corporation, “Equitable Access for All in Africa”

Divide into Leadership and Technical Tracks


Introduction by Dean K. Richard Young, Brigham Young University
Moderated by Dr. David Wiley, Brigham Young University
10:45–11:30 AM  RESULTS vs. PROGRESS for effective decision-making
How can summative data be stored to allow all interested parties the ability to run reports and make decisions? What data needs to be stored? Who should be allowed access and who should be denied access?  How do we incorporate authentic assessment, direct observation, peer evaluation, projects and other levels and modes of assessment into a comprehensive and continuous measure of knowledge? How do we compare the value of innovative learning models?
11:30–12:15 PM   CONTENT access, syndication and subscription management
What works? How often is it used? How do we utilize data from digital content usage and online assessment results to focus spending, reduce waste, and improve efficiency? How can we measure quality of open and free resources? How do we leverage the power of the community and social learning?
12:15–1:15 PM     Combined Lunch Steve Midgley, Deputy Director of Education Technology at the
U.S. Department of Education: NETP Data Interoperability Vision
1:45-2:30 PM       IDENTITY access and protection policy

How do we keep track of where everyone is and ensure portability of student progress and results?
Combined Group Discussions
2:30-3:00 PM        Wrap Up:   Converting discussion into action.
3:00 PM                  Adjourn

Moderated by Erin Moseley, Business Development Manager and
Diana Gowen, Alliance Manger, Intel Corporation

10:45–11:30 AM    VIRTUALIZATION
What are the benefits to virtualizing core infrastructure?  What are the security and legal considerations?  Is there a plausible ROI?  How does this work when the public Internet connection gets overloaded?
11:30–12:15 PM    GLOBAL, URBAN, and RURAL ACCESS
Elliott Levine, Education Strategist, Hewlett Packard – Personal Systems Group
Americas: Equitable Access for Rural, Urban, and Global Students
How do you make technology-enhanced learning available to ALL populations and close the digital divide?  How do you overcome locations that are only occasionally connected or completely disconnected from the Internet?
12:15–1:15 PM      Combined Lunch Steve Midgley, Deputy Director of Education Technology at the
U.S. Department of Education: NETP Data Interoperability Vision
1:45 – 2:30 PM       LEARNING AS A SERVICE – Todd Hardman, Chief Architect, Agilix Labs
How can you bridge the gap between robust technology to effective learning?  How do you avoid the “one-size-fits-all” trap of buying products?  How do you deploy and measure ROI of digital content in multiple environments?

Combined Group Discussions
2:30 – 3:00 PM       Wrap Up:  Converting discussion into action.
3:00 PM                   Adjourn

Getting Smart Staff

The Getting Smart Staff believes in learning out loud and always being an advocate for things that we are excited about. As a result, we write a lot. Do you have a story we should cover? Email Info@GettingSmart.com

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