Today eduClipper Got Even Better

What happens when a talented educator like Adam Bellow takes a break from the classroom to develop a new education tech tool for teachers and students? You get eduClipper, the new digital platform that innately lines up to teacher needs and goals for effective instruction, online and in the classroom. We’ve talked about how teachers can learn and benefit from Adam’s practices by using eduClipper in their own classroom.

Today eduClipper got even better.

The new assignment feature has now been added to the teacher dashboard. Where teachers could before create classes and add students, they can now create and assign work to then be submitted digitally by students. Assignments look like they are fun for teachers to create, as they can be made “pinterest” style. Along with text explaining the expectations for the work, the teacher can include or “pin” any video or image found on the web to help create understanding for students.

Students can complete their assignment by adding content such as an image, video or any digital content they create that is embeddable like a prezi, youtube video, etc.

All work submitted by students is collected in their online portfolio. Once the work is submitted, teachers can grade it or assign it a badge. But it doesn’t stop there. Teachers can easily add feedback for students, through text, audio or even video. The students also have the option to self assess and include their own reflections with the assignments.

Once assignments are created, teachers can share them with the rest of the eduClipper Community by making them public. Other educators can use them as is, or use them as a jumping off point for their own classroom, tweaking them to fit their own teaching style.

eduClipper – Getting Started with Assignment Portfolios from AdamBellow on Vimeo.
Looking forward to more features to come with the assignment abilities. Also, look for the announcement of the first eduClipper app coming for iPad very soon.
EduClipper is a portfolio company of Learn Capitol where Tom is a partner.

Alison Anderson

Alison Anderson

Alison Anderson is a Media Specialist at The Madeleine School.

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