Can’t Miss Education Conferences in 2024

Our team is incredibly fortunate to participate in and attend dozens of conferences around the world where we learn with and from experts, facilitate sessions and cover various conference happenings. Throughout our travels, we continue to curate and update a list of our favorites that we think everyone should attend.
Here is the latest list of can’t-miss education conferences for your 2024 planning:
January 23-26, 2024; Orlando, Florida
FETC is the largest national independent EdTech conference discussing tech trends, strategies and best practices for student and school success. This annual event will focus on the Future of Education Technology and gathering a group of dynamic and creative education professionals from around the world for an intensive and highly collaborative event exploring new technologies, best practices and pressing issues.
January 24-26, 2024; London
With almost 30,000+ attendees from 123+ countries, representing 600+ leading companies and where 5,000+ people connect, BETT is the world’s largest EdTech conference. Taking place in London, BETT believes in creating a better future by transforming education. This conference is premium, inclusive and game-changing. At every level of education, the themes for BETT are based on the real needs of the education community, from the tech-nervous newbie to the cool geeky early adopter. BETT themes at the heart of education.
Feb 3 – Feb 7, 2024; Austin, TX
Spanning five days with over 700 sessions and workshops, TCEA is the largest state convention and exposition in the US. TCEA’s Convention & Exposition is the place to meet industry peers, collaborate with other educators, and build a tight-knit, professional learning community.
Digital Learning Annual Conference
February 26-28, 2024; Austin, TX
DLAC aims to bring together practitioners working on real change and is designed for a wide range of attendees, including educators, companies, non-profit organizations, researchers and state education agencies.
AASA National Conference on Education
February 15-17, 2024; San Diego, CA
This year’s Conference highlights the crucial role that public school superintendents play in creating a supportive, inclusive, and empowering educational environment that meets the diverse needs of all students. By keeping the students at the center of everything we do, we can work together to create a better future for them and for society.
At this conference, researchers, educators and practitioners will experience personal growth, enjoy time for connections and find joy in discovering new research and strategies.
Green Schools Conference
March 5-7, 2024; Santa Fe, NM
The Green Schools Conference (GSC) brings together everyone involved in creating and advocating for green schools, with a focus on those leading their schools and school systems toward whole-school sustainability. Attendees explore interdisciplinary content in general sessions and collaborate with peers to address specific challenges, exchange best practices, and enhance green school initiatives nationwide.
March 4-7, 2024; Austin, TX
The internationally recognized SXSW EDU will include four days of sessions, workshops, learning experiences, mentorship, film screenings, policy discussions and so much more all aimed at impacting the future of teaching and learning. The event will host hundreds of sessions and speakers and continues to stand out as a true thought leadership summit. Check out our live podcast from SXSW EDU 2022 and some of the conversations we recorded at SXSW EDU 2023
We are excited to be a media partner at this event, as well as the co-presenters on a number of sessions!
CUE Conference
March 21-24, 2024; Palm Springs, CA
At the 2024 Spring CUE Conference in Palm Springs, educators will unite to ignite inspiration, foster connections, and explore cutting-edge teaching techniques and educational technology for their classrooms.
CUE is the largest and oldest EdTech conference in California and is targeted towards educators and EdLeaders looking to advance student achievement by using technology in the classroom. The conference has been a go-to event for educational innovation for almost 40 years and provides a best-value, three-day experience for thousands of educators.
Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education
March 24-27, 2024; San Diego, CA
Since 2014, the Summit on Improvement in Education has developed a vibrant learning community by engaging diverse groups of educational professionals—such as school and district leaders, staff from charter management organizations, leaders in state departments of education and professional organizations, entrepreneurs, faculty from higher education organizations, students, parents, and community leaders—in service of addressing complex problems and issues of inequity in educational outcomes.
Deeper Learning Conference
March 26-28 2024; San Diego, CA
Deeper learners from around the world gathered for this beautiful reminder of why educators do this work, and of the limitless potential of schools to be places of hope, healing, and inspiration. DLC has been running incredible gatherings for over a decade! Here’s a recap from our time at the DL2018.
School Climate and Culture Forum
Multiple Dates; Multiple Locations
The Summit offers 4 or more topic-specific conferences so you can learn from experts and colleagues throughout North America. These multi-day events provide an opportunity for administrators, teachers, counselors and other educators to learn about new insights and strategies for reaching and teaching students.
NSBA (National School Boards Association)
April 6-8, 2024; New Orleans, LA
The NSBA Annual Conference and Exposition is the one national event that brings together education leaders to learn about best governance practices, gain insight into child development and learn about new programs and technology that can help enrich student learning. This event is one of the few—if not the only—places where school board members from around the country can receive the training necessary to address the instructional needs of students and how to improve the efficiency of district operations.
April 8-10, 2024; Miami, FL
CoSN is the conference to attend if you’re a district tech director or leader to reimagine, redesign and renew. Attendees should be prepared to renew your commitment to advancing digital learning and let the Three “R’s” serve as a collective Call to Action.
ASU+GSV Summit
April 14-17, 2024; San Diego, CA
This annual conference is the “only conference during the year where you’ll have access to the smartest and most influential Learning & Talent Tech minds from around the world.” The three-day event will host world class speakers in business, entrepreneurship, higher ed and education innovation. Here is our recap of the 2021 summit.
SMU +GSV Mission Summit
May 22-24, 2024; Dallas, TX
The SMU+GSV Mission Summit is an event to accelerate ideas that combine “purpose and profits”. Capitalism needs a refresh. It is our belief that the leading companies of tomorrow will have the ambition of a for-profit and the heart of a non-profit. Join global leaders from across investment, government, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy communities to shape the future of business.
June 23-26, 2024; Denver, CO
As the “epicenter of edtech,” ISTE Is where educators and school leaders go to learn about new tools and strategies. This event boasts endless learning opportunities perfect for industry reps, teachers, tech coordinators/directors, administrators, library media specialists and policymakers.
PBL World
June 24-27, 2024; Napa Valley, CA
PBL World is a multi-day Project Based Learning conference presented by PBLWorks. This event brings together educators – K-12 teachers, instructional coaches, school and district leaders – who want to begin and advance their Project Based Learning practice, and connect with a community of their peers.
ASCA Annual Conference
July 13-16, 2024; Kansas City, Missouri
Join thousands of school counseling professionals in Kansas City, Mo., for the premier school counseling professional development. Learn, network and re-energize yourself.
Uncharted Learning National Summit 2024
July 16-17, 2024; Chicago, IL
Uncharted Learning’s member schools and guests gather in Chicago’s tech and food hub, the Fulton Market Neighborhood, for two full days of entrepreneurship-focused, master-class-style workshops and events. The festivities conclude with the 2024 INCubatoredu National Student Pitch and Student Showcase on July 17.
JFF Horizons
July 22-23, 2024; Washington, DC
Expect to envision new ideas and capture insights through our workshops, panels, and interactive discussions at this event where more than 1,000 leaders, funders, innovators, workers, learners, and more will share their expertise. Leading thinkers and innovators transforming the education and workforce systems will join forces at this annual summit.
Big Picture Learning Big Bang
July 22-25, 2024; Memphis, TN
Big Bang is Big Picture Learning’s annual conference on student-centered learning, an intergenerational collaboration where students, educators, leaders and partners come together as equals to learn from one another and from our host community. In a nutshell, it’s a celebration. Check out our podcast about our recent Big Bang attendance.
PLTW Summit
October 3-5, 2024; San Diego, CA
PLTW Summit will continue to be offered every two years in the fall. Mark your calendars for time to connect with STEM educators from across the country where you’ll be a part of transformative professional development approaches and connect with Master Teachers, PLTW partners, classroom vendors, and peers.
Aurora Symposium
November 3-5 2024; New Orleans, LA
Aurora Institute’s annual conference is the leading event for K-12 competency-based, blended and online learning. With hundreds of sessions, it brings together experts, EdLeaders and educators to explore next-gen learning for K-12 students. Here are 10 reasons to attend.
National Rural Education Association Conference
October 31-November 1, 2024; Savannah Georgia
The Rural Schools Conference has been designed to create an environment for collaboration and innovation with a diverse community that includes, national experts, K–12 and higher education practitioners, leading researchers, policymakers, and philanthropic leaders. The goal is to help communities innovate and leverage local assets to create meaningful learning experiences for rural students.
Big Picture Learning: Front Range Leadership
December 2024; Colorado
The annual Big Picture Learning Leadership Conference aims to empower leaders to build strong connections with individuals, communities, and networks to enhance, sustain, and elevate their work. Leaders engage with peers through school tours and advisory sessions to discover valuable tools, innovative ideas, and resources for effective implementation. The ultimate objective is for leaders to rejuvenate and strengthen themselves, enabling them to lead with love, care and vulnerability.
National Alliance of Black School Educators
Date coming soon…..
The National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) is the nation’s premier non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nation’s children – particularly children of African descent and host an annual event with over 50 years of leadership and learning.
HipHopEd Conference
Dates and Location TBD
The annual HipHopEd Conference is a unique event that brings together educators, school leaders, students, and community members to explore the intersection between hip-hop and education. This conference is the premier event in the field of hip-hop and education, and it is dedicated to advancing innovation, scholarship, and practice.
At the HipHopEd Conference, participants engage in workshops and keynote sessions that showcase the latest research, practices, and trends in hip-hop education. The conference is designed to create a space and community where hip-hop educators can gather, connect, and collaborate to reimagine education. Practitioners and scholars present workshop presentations and peer-reviewed papers that exemplify the conference theme. The HipHopEd Conference is not your traditional education conference; it includes student performers and highlights the creative elements of hip-hop culture.
Education Leaders of Color National Convening
At the EdLoC conference, bright spots where change-makers, entrepreneurs, and cross-sector collaborations are dismantling systemic barriers and transforming life trajectories in our communities are on the stage. Presenters and attendees will have space to demonstrate, discover, and discuss how their organizations, programs, advocacy, and/or models are supporting young people and communities of color in earning more, building wealth, and thriving.
Did we miss one of your favorites? Let us know in the comments!
Corey Mohn
CAPS Summer Huddle! June 24-26, 2024 in Kansas City.
Gail Paul
Hi! Learning Forward's Annual Conference deserves to be on your list of can't miss educator conferences. 3,300 who attended our 2023 conference last month will attest! Now entering our 55th year of convening educators from all over the world to learn the latest standards-based professional learning approaches and tools, Learning Forward will hold its 2024 Annual Conference in December in Colorado. This year's theme is Reach New Heights for Students, because we know that in order for teachers to unlock the greatness in every student, we must unlock the greatness in every teacher!
Our upcoming conference:
Learning Forward Annual Conference
Dec. 8-11, 2024; Aurora, Colorado
Learning Forward's overarching focus on K-12 educator professional learning aligned with Standards for Professional Learning is on display for four days every December in an event with interactive sessions, keynotes, and thought-leaders designed to empower educators to grow in their careers and improve student success.
Noah Geisel
The 2024 Badge Summit @ CU Boulder
August 5-7, 2024 (in-person)
August 20, 2024 (virtual)
The Badge Summit hopes you won't miss our gathering even though we weren't included as a "can't miss" conference! Now in its 9th year, the 2024 Badge Summit is a leading gathering to learn about micro-credentials and digital badges, and to connect with others who are changing the world. The Badge Summit brings together a global constituency of thinkers and doers from K-12, Higher Ed, Industry, Government, Non-Profit, and Cultural Institutions for an exciting and impactful conference accessible to both in-person and virtual attendees and presenters.
Lisa Tomsio
Texas Digital Learning Association Conference
March 25-28 in Galveston, Texas (in-person)
April 16-17 (virtual)
Unlock a multitude of strategies to conquer learners' hearts using technology, while ensuring inclusivity through digital accessibility. Together, let's push the boundaries of education and training, leveling up our students to prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow's digital arenas.
Digital learning professionals and educators, instructional designers, and trainers, get ready to power up your knowledge and skills at the 2024 TxDLA Conference, "GAME ON! New players. New Rules. New Strategies in Digital Learning."
Hi. I am from Armenia, can I participate to your events and how??
Dr. Aweng
These education conferences in 2024 look fantastic! They provide invaluable opportunities for networking and professional development. I always attend IFERP conferneces and that are fantastic. I'm excited to learn from experts and share insights with fellow educators. Can’t wait to see what new ideas will emerge
Martina DeMoraes
Please provide all conferences held in December 2024