Students Learn Project Management From HQPBL Experiences

One of the keys to successfully integrating a project-based learning experience into the classroom is project management. A teacher first must effectively plan for and manage the design of the PBL lesson and students then, in turn, manage themselves and their work. So what exactly do we mean when we say, “project management”? The leading project management experts, Project Management Institute (PMI), define project management as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.” PMI strongly believes in project management’s place in education and brings project management to teachers and students through the work of the PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF).
The future of work is going to necessitate that individuals know how to manage a multitude of projects, so it makes sense for students to learn this valuable skill while in school rather than at their first job. The High Quality Project Based Learning Framework (HQPBL), which PMIEF helped fund, recognizes project management’s importance and includes it as one of the six criteria for HQPBL. See below for the Framework’s guidance on how students should be integrating project management into PBL.

While the Framework discusses the student experience, it is important to also understand how teachers are integrating project management skills into their practice. PMIEF recently developed a video where one teacher shared, “Project management has impacted me as a professional as it provides a structure to my planning and encourages me to reflect on my own teaching.” Hear from other teachers and Bob Lenz, Executive Director of the Buck Institute for Education, in the video below. You can also access the video here.

Wondering how to include project management skills into a HQPBL lesson? New Tech Network has developed a tool which will can help ensure students’ projects are on track.
Our Assessment in #PBL tool ensures that your projects are on track. Get it here => #pblchat #deeperlearning #hqpbl #newtechnetwork
— New Tech Network (@newtechnetwork) August 15, 2018
We’d love to hear how teachers and students are integrating project management skills specifically into their PBL lessons. Comment below or join the conversation on Twitter using #HQPBL.
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