How is personalized learning changing lives? Ask Thomas Rooney

Competency-based education involves a learning experience that allows students to advance based on mastery of a skill or concept, versus basing progress on age or grade level. It allows for flexible pacing that ensures a proper foundation is built for each student before moving onto the next level. In this blog that first appeared on The Edfly Blog, The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd) team shares how Lindsay Unified School District and Superintendent Thomas Rooney are making competency-based education a reality for students in central California.

Nestled in Central California, Lindsay Unified School District (LUSD) is meeting and exceeding expectations. And part of the district’s winning formula includes competency-based learning.

The Lindsay community certainly faces challenges. One hundred percent of all students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches. More than 90 percent of students are Hispanic or Latino, 50 percent are English Language Learners and 13 percent meet federal standards for homelessness.

Despite these incredibly difficult circumstances, LUSD is transforming education to a personalized system where all learners are met at their own level. These students are guaranteed success, challenged, and are pushed to leave LUSD ready to choose college or their career.

At the 2015 National Summit on Education Reform, we heard from Thomas Rooney, the superintendent of Lindsay Unified School District and a pioneer in the field of competency-based education.

Watch the #EIE15 video below to hear how Rooney’s district has redesigned itself to build the ideal learning experience for all students.

For more on competency-based education check out:

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Jessica Slusser

Jessica is Partner at Getting Smart and specializes in Growth and Impact. She leads business development and growth of advocacy campaigns, advisory services, product development, marketing, and Getting Smart's blog. As part of her role, Jessica also oversees team events, conferences, and speaking engagements.

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