Innovations Creating a #SmartPlanet

At two recent regional EdTech conferences (#NYSCATE15 & #GAETC15) I’ve had the good fortune to discuss world changing innovations with hundreds of forward-leading tech-savvy teachers. What I asked them what innovations would boost global learning, here’s a few of the responses.
One rural school put wifi on district buses & parked buses around community in areas w/o access. #SmartPlanet #nyscate15
— Michael Drezek (@m_drez) November 24, 2015
@NYSCATE: #smartplanet #nyscate15 @tvanderark access for all rural and urban
— Bill Reynolds (@breynoldstech) November 24, 2015
Tech Infrastructure In The Developing World @TechCrunch #SmartPlanet
— Tom Vander Ark (@tvanderark) November 14, 2015
Access to free high speed internet world wide would make a difference. #smartplanet
— Kathy D Shields, EdS (@KathyDShields) November 5, 2015
Cheaper devices
#SmartPlanet #nyscate15 cheaper and cheaper access to technology — Antonio Scordo (@ascordo) November 24, 2015
Cell phones (internet access w/o a wired infrastructure) #smartplanet #nyscate15 — Anneke Radin-Snaith (@AnnekeRadin) November 24, 2015
Cloud Computing
#smartplanet. Cloud computing #nyscate15
— Donna Meehan (@DonnaMeehan3) November 24, 2015
Real World Problem Solving
PBL, specifically for issues/problems that don’t exist yet in our world. #smartplanet #nyscate15 — Peri Nelson-Sukert (@apospirit) November 24, 2015
#smartplanet Can we see how students would solve problems the politicians cannot Global Problem Solving — Stephen MacAdam (@ChiefMac310) November 24, 2015
@tvanderark design thinking #smartplanet #nyscate15 — Andrea Tejedor (@AStrategicShift) November 24, 2015
Students become learners in place of learning ‘stuff’ that is predetermined #smartplanet #GaETC15
— Principal O’Connell (@PrincipalOC) November 5, 2015
Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning around the globe to address problems that need solutions rather than traditional lessons. #NYSCATE2015 #SmartPlanet
— TroyAnne Huntington (@tdmhunt) November 24, 2015
Global collaborations so students can understand perspectives and develop empathy #smartplanet #nyscate15
— Mrs. Mlod (@MrsMlod) November 24, 2015
3 Cs Computer Science, coding & collaboration #smartplanet #nyscate15
— Mr. Harris (@srharristweets) November 24, 2015
The ability For students across the global to collaborate with each other in realtime to share ideas #smartplanet
— Clint Winter (@ClintWinter) November 5, 2015
Interest-based & Project-based Learning
#SmartPlanet. Student ownership of learning PBL — Lorrie Fitz (@FitzLorrie) November 5, 2015
Recognize that information is ubiquitous. The challenge for schools is to shift toward helping kids know what to do with it. #smartplanet — Karen Perry (@karennole) November 5, 2015
Technology usage moving from done To students to done BY students #smartplanet #GaETC — Sonya Ayannuga (@AyannugaRCE) November 5, 2015
Student voice and choice #smartplanet — Steve Thompson (@Stevethomp40) November 5, 2015
Anywhere Anytime Learning
Being able to learn beyond the walls of your school and the classes offered #SmartPlanet
— Nick stange (@stange_nick) November 24, 2015
#smartplanet Free online education with credits toward a degree.
— Wanda Barker (@wanda_barker) November 5, 2015
Breaking Barriers, Promoting Diversity
Translation technology eroding global language barriers #smartplanet
— R Cook (@detdom7) November 5, 2015
Using technology to promote diversity #smartplanet
— Jeremy Anderson (@hapcollins2002) November 5, 2015
Innovative learning: Playlists + PBL + Maker
#SmartPlanet #nyscate15 Providing conceptual math learning and innovation through coding beginning in kindergarten. — Laurel Chiesa (@laurelchiesa) November 24, 2015
Genius hours and creative learning spaces. #SmartPlanet #nyscate15 — masterymaze (@masterymaze) November 24, 2015
#nyscate15 #smartplanet innovations that can change Ed. PBL and Maker driven models — Sandy Wagner (@sandyrwagner) November 24, 2015
#SmartPlanet makerspaces in all schools — MR_LEGO_JOE (@MR_LEGO_JOE) November 5, 2015
Using makerspace so to creat innovators. Allowing high school students time to play with tech in order to build job skills #smartplanet — Meggan Ford (@fordforumjchs) November 5, 2015
#smartplanet big bandwidth makes the dif education going the way of record industry playlist want songs not albums. — Steve Garton (@sgarton121) November 24, 2015
Adaptive & Competency-based Learning
#smartplanet Adaptive learning with credit for prior knowledge
— Wanda Barker (@wanda_barker) November 5, 2015
#smartplanet Personalized learning models that use tech as ways to demos grate mastery,not just squire content. #GaETC15
— Aaryn Schmuhl (@aschmuhl) November 5, 2015
Utilizing iPads to help enhance one on one student/teacher feedback #SmartPlanet #nyscate15
— Hannah Smith (@hannahs373) November 24, 2015
Invest in Teachers
Difference – Human Capital. Investment in PD #SmartPlanet – drive teachers to innovate not just edutain!
— Chris Stephenson (@geographywee) November 5, 2015
More OER
#GoOpen #OER #smartplanet — Marlene M. Harris (@marlenemharris) November 5, 2015
New tech: AR, VR
Occulus rift could change education and engagement #smartplanet
— Spiff Whitfield (@Spiffwhitfield) November 24, 2015
Add Some Art
STEAM initiatives in libraries, art and music classes #smartplanet #nyscate15 — Monroe #1 BOCES ITS (@M1BITS) November 24, 2015
Effective governance
Making government & politics more accountable & transparent will lead to a #SmartPlanet (see:
— jeffgiddens (@jeffgiddens) November 5, 2015
Why This Matters
“We have the first chance in history to offer every young person on the planet a good education” #smartplanet #gaetc2015
— LSTC (@GCPSLSTC) November 5, 2015
What would you add to the list? What’s making a difference for populations that haven’t had good access to learning opportunities?
For more see our initial list of 20 Inventions Boosting Global IQ. If you have a #SmartPlanet story send a note to [email protected].
For more see:
- Innovative Blend Could be the Spark for South Africa
- Supporting Struggling South African Schools With Online Learning
Stay in-the-know with all things EdTech and innovations in learning by signing up to receive the weekly Smart Update. This post includes mentions of a Getting Smart partner. For a full list of partners, affiliate organizations and all other disclosures please see our Partner page.

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