50+ Learning Leaders at #iNACOL15

For innovating educators, iNACOL’s 2015 Blended & Online Learning Symposium (#inacol15) is the field’s premier event to connect and learn. And while this year’s Symposium was the best one yet by many accounts, it’s not the event itself that offers the most power–it’s the more than 3,000 attendees in Orlando that will take the vision from the event and transform it into reality in their home states.
These student perspectives really validate the efforts of the 3000 people here at #inacol15 pic.twitter.com/9PjLBPtyDI
— Carri Schneider (@CarriSchneider) November 10, 2015
The key elements of the learner-centered vision echoed symbolically throughout the main sessions, breakouts and hallway conversations. This vision was formally articulated today in a closing keynote that highlighted the ground-breaking work and culminating vision in Education Reimagined’s vision for learner centered education described by Gisele Huff (recipient of iNACOL’s first ever “Huff Award for Lifetime Achievement”), Becky Pringle (NEA Vice President) and Kelly Young (Director of Convergence’s Education Reimagined Project).
Once at opposite ends of the debate, @BeckyPringle & Gisèle Huff unite around shared vision of #edu at #inacol15 @NEAToday @ConvergenceCtr — iNACOL (@nacol) November 11, 2015
Everyone at iNACOL is a leader in making the shift to personalized learning a reality. But, here are more than 50 individuals that really took the event to the next level.
Advocates & support orgs
- Susan Patrick (@susandpatrick), Bruce Friend (@Bruce_Friend), Maria Worthen, Allison Powell, Natalie Able, iNACOL (@nacol)
- Linda Pittenger, National Center for Innovation in Education, UK
- Kelly Young, Education Reimagined Director (@EdReimagined)
- Becky Pringle, (@beckypringle), National Education Association Vice President
- Trina Angelone, Virtual Schools of Excellence, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Academy
- Dan French, Ramona Trevino, Center for Collaborative Education
- Shawn Rubin, (@ShawnCRubin) Highlander Institute
- Julia Freeland, (@juliaffreeland), Christensen Institute
- Scott Ellis, Daniel Owens & Beth Rabbitt (@BethRabbitt), The Learning Accelerator (@LearningAccel)
- LaVerne Srinivasan, VP Carnegie Corporation of New York (@CarnegieCorp)
- Eduardo Briceno (@ebriceno8), Mindset Works
- Jennifer Cruz, (@jencBIE) & Ashley Ellis (@ashleyeBIE), Buck Institute for Education
Online & blended programs
- Stephanie Borowski, Andy Hepburn, GPS Education Partners
- Julie Young, Global Personalized Academics (GPA), CEO #
- Mickey Revenaugh (@Mickeyrevenaugh), Matt Wicks, Connections Education #
Superintendents, Districts & intermediate Units
- Pat Deklotz (@PDeklotz), Theresa Ewald, Kettle Moraine School District
- Juan Cabrera, Superintendent El Paso Independent School District (@ELPASO_ISD)
- John C. Carver (@johnccarver), Howard-Winneshiek Community School District
- Rafael Gallardo, Puget Sound ESD
- John Rice (@johnricedc), DC Public Schools (@DCPublicSchools)
Cool Schools and Educators
- Buddy Berry (@BuddyBerry) Eminence Independent School District
- Dallas Dance (@DDance_BCPS), Baltimore County Public Schools
- Shelli Kurth & Nicole Tempel Assisi, @DocAssisi Thrive Public Schools
- Erin Mote (@erinmote), InnovateEDU (@innovateEDUNYC)
- Eric Tucker, Brooklyn Lab Charter School (@BklynLabSchool)
- Erdinc Acar, @STEM_IST, Magnolia Public Schools
- Tim Presiado, @tpresiado, New Tech Network (@newtechnetwork)
- Erika Schlichter & Scott Rowe (@ScottRowe158) District 158
- Brian Stack @bstackbu, Sanborn Regional High School
- Kyle Repucci @kylerepucci, Epping School District
- Aled Anaya (@aledbread), Escondido Union High School District
- Carlos Macias (@carlosandreasmacias), Grand Canyon University
- Teresa Ewald and Laura Dahm (@kmdistrict), Kettle Moraine School District
- Curt Allen, Mark Tullis, Agilix (@agilix)
- Anthony Kim (@anthonx), Education Elements
- Tracy Kennedy (@Tracy_KennedyED), Dreambox Learning
- Tanya Mas and Rosetta Stone Education Team
- Joel Rose(@NCJoelRose), NewClassrooms
- Eric Nentrup (@ericnentrup) & Jack Macleod (@JackMacleod), Alma
- Terry Nealon (@nealonter), Fishtree
- Dr. Gisèle Huff, Jaquelin Hume Foundation Executive Director
- Stacey Childress (@NextGenStacey), NewSchools Venture Fund
- Tom Stritikus (@TomStritikus) & Jon Deane (@jondeane), Gates Foundation
- Colleen Broderick (@ColleenBroderic), Chief Learning Designer, ReSchool Colorado
- Nick Donohoe (@NickDonohueNMEF), Nellie Mae Education Foundation
- Vigil Hammonds (@VirgelHammonds), KnowledgeWorks
- Andy Calkins (@andrewcalkins), NGLC (@NextGenLC)
- The Learning Accelerator team, @LearningAccel
- Mike Baur (@mbaur), Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
- Seth Reynolds (@sethbreynolds) Parthenon
- John Watson, Evergreen Education Group (@KeepingPaceK12)
Reporting on the convening
52. Nichole Dobo (@nicholedobo), Hechinger Institute
For more check out:
- Smart List: 365 Global Innovators, Networks, Resources, and Champions
- Smart List: 28 Teacher & Leader Developers, 10 School Improvement Capacities
- Smart List: 40 Innovation Investors
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