60 Popular Education Twitter Hashtags

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We recently updated this post with more hashtags and better organization! Check out our new list of 100 popular education hashtags.

You’ve seen it when you visit Twitter – a million and one different hashtags are used every day. Some are actually helpful when you are trying to search for important things like #GOPDebate or #NationalCatDay. Some of them are #completelymadeupandridiculous, either on accident or on purpose. But when used properly, hashtags can get help you get involved in important conversations.

But one thing is clear – when you use hashtags strategically, you can join popular conversations and strengthen the impact of your tweets. Some best practices when using hashtags include:

  • If you are wondering if others are using a certain keyword for a hashtag, simply enter it into the Twitter search function with the # before it and see what it pulls up.
  • Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message will show you all other Tweets using that keyword.
  • Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet – at the beginning, middle or end.
  • Don’t use too many hashtags. Three is plenty for one tweet – otherwise it gets too hard to read.
  • Hashtagged words that become very popular often become Trending Topics (that’s a whole blog post on its own).

In the education world there are hundreds of hashtags used, and it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing to pick a good one. Here are some of the most popular education hashtags that we’ve seen. Do you have any you’d like to add? Reply in the comments below or tag us @Getting_Smart in your own tweet and include #edutweets.

  1. #BlendedLearning
  2. #CCChat (Common Core Chat)
  3. #CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
  4. #CommonCore
  5. #CompetencyEd
  6. #Curriculum
  7. #DeeperLearning
  8. #DigLN
  9. #EarlyEd
  10. #EdApp
  11. #EdChat
  12. #EdData
  13. #EdLeaders
  14. #EdPolicy
  15. #EdReform
  16. #EdTech
  17. #EdTechChat
  18. #Edu
  19. #Education
  20. #Educhat
  21. #EduVC
  22. #ELearning
  23. #ElemSchool
  24. #Engagement
  25. #HigherEd
  26. #HighSchool
  27. #Innovation
  28. #K12
  29. #KEdu (Kindergarten)
  30. #Leadership
  31. #LearnerExperience
  32. #Literacy
  33. #MiddleSchool
  34. #NTChat (New Teacher Chat)
  35. #OnlineLearning
  36. #Parents
  37. #PTChat (Parent/Teacher)
  38. #PassionDrive
  39. #PBL
  40. #PBLChat
  41. #PersonalizedLearning
  42. #PLearning
  43. #PreSchool
  44. #SmartParents
  45. #STEM
  46. #Student(s)
  47. #Teacher(s)
  48. #TeacherPD
  49. #artsed (Art)
  50. #finearts
  51. #engchat (English)
  52. #math
  53. #mathchat
  54. #musedchat (Music)
  55. #socialstudies
  56. #sschat (Social Studies)
  57. #scichat (Science)
  58. #langchat (Foreign Language)
  59. #historyteacher
  60. #physed

Ready to expand beyond the education hashtags? For more on social media, check out:

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Catherine Wedgwood

Catherine is a communication specialist.

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