Summit Taking Applications for School Partners

Summit Public Schools is the best example of a school network innovating on a blended learning school model and platform simultaneously with a clear vision for learning experiences and a powerful vision for college and career readiness.
Given a compelling mixture of personalized playlists and projects, we think Summit is the most innovative secondary network in the country. Summit’s Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) promotes student agency and engagement. With help from Facebook, summer improvements to the PLP included improved playlists, expanded college and goal setting tabs, and projects that can be personalized and self-paced. Every project combines collaborative elements with individual tasks and deliverables.
Apply for Basecamp
Last year Summit invited school teams around the country to join them. Through a program called Basecamp, Summit encouraged school teams to apply to join them on the next-gen journey. Twenty two grade level teacher teams were selected and spent two weeks in Redwood City (see recap).
Diverse partner communities include Pasadena, Texas, Kuna, Idaho, and Washington, D.C. Partner schools are showing success with personalized learning (Hechinger profiled 3 partners). Summit says partners have already submitted over 8,000 deeper learning projects and passed 15,000 content assessments.
Today, Summit launched the application for their second cohort of Basecamp partner schools, and they have the resources expand this program free of charge to many more schools in 2016.
Applications are due December 18, 2015. Visit the Basecamp website to learn more.
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