EdTech 10: Coming Together to Focus on What Works

This week’s news takes a cue from the launch of Getting Smart on Next-Gen School Design. The new Smart Bundle shares the stories of six regional hubs for innovation through NGLC’s Regional Funds for Breakthrough Schools. In this week’s news startups, organizations, teachers and students are huddling over new tools, partnerships, and reports that are moving the needle and creating real progress on what’s working to support next-gen learning.
Blended Schools & Tools
Blended data. The Clayton Christensen and the Evergreen Education Group teamed up to share first-of-its-kind data on schools implementing blended learning. Looking for blended implementation strategies? Check out the Blended Learning Implementation Guide 3.0.
Great new set of #blendedlearning proof points from @ChristensenInst & Evergreen @keeepingpacek12 https://t.co/AiKFjkxGWE #edtech #edtech10
— Carri Schneider (@CarriSchneider) September 29, 2015
Integrating in Space City schools. Houston Independent School District uses IMS Global’s Learning Tools Interoperability Standards to integrate data from different sources. HISD uses IMS OneRoster and informed the new IMS how-to guide.
Great post by @barnillas describing @HoustonISD is ensuring data systems work together https://t.co/2B6ubRP541 #edtech @EdSurge @IMSGlobal — Carri Schneider (@CarriSchneider) September 24, 2015
Sharpest tools in the shed. Two news stories to note on the new tools front:Search giant Google will be soon be offering a VR field-trip simulator system, called Expeditions. LittleBits, Getting Smart Advocacy Partner, released four new projects as part of their launch of LittleBits Education to enhance making the classroom.
Virtual Reality will be everywhere before we know it. Cool potential edu opps! http://t.co/ycjVUja91G #edtech #edtech10
— Carri Schneider (@CarriSchneider) September 29, 2015
.@littleBits announces 4 classroom integration products http://t.co/uADipHnUme #EdTech #STEM #Maker pic.twitter.com/T8uxyhO285
— Tom Vander Ark (@tvanderark) September 28, 2015
Digital Developments
Just because everyone is using it doesn’t mean it works. Based on the data of 200,000+ teachers, OpenEd found that the most widely-used online education resources may not be the most effective. Ron Drabkin, VP of Marketing at OpenEd recently joined the Getting Smart blog community in asking, should teachers share formative assessment results in the classroom?
The most widely-used online educational resources may not be the most effective according to @OpenEd http://t.co/vzwwanXDTG #EdTech10
— tyler (@post_west) September 29, 2015
Making the connection. According to a new survey from Pearson, student mobile device ownership is increasing while connectivity at schools continues to lag. Connectivity is critical, here are 33 reasons broadband boosts learning.
Student mobile device ownership on the rise, while connectivity at schools continues to lag says @pearson http://t.co/EX0I7vg2Bm #EdTech10 — Megan Mead (@MegMarMe) September 29, 2015
From the locals. If you follow Getting Smart on Instagram, you’d know that we aren’t shy to show our #PNWwonderland love. That’s why we were so excited to learn that Washington State community colleges are now offering a new flexible competency-based business degree modeled after and with support from Western Governors University.
For the Seattle folks | #CompetencyBased Business degree speeds up process of getting a credential http://t.co/qWI2C1iZNL via @seattletimes
— tyler (@post_west) September 23, 2015
Dollars & Deals
Charting the course. The U.S. Department of Education announced new grants totaling more than $157 million through its Charter Schools Program, which funds the creation and expansion of public charter schools across the nation. These grants have had a major impact on the nation’s charter school sector, with nearly half of the nation’s public charter schools benefitting from these investments in 2013-14.
.@usedgov announced new #grants totaling more than $157 million through its #CharterSchools Program: http://t.co/Ps7Mwmst2W
— Catherine Wedgwood (@C_Wedgwood) September 29, 2015
The Big “D”
Better understanding on better data. Data Quality Campaign, who we recently joined us for Getting Smart on Personalization and Privacy, released a new analysis that sheds light on the continuing evolution of student privacy legislation.
New #EdData #DataPrivacy #EdPolicy Map & Analysis from @EdDataCampaign http://t.co/1h9Pyl40OC #edtech10 pic.twitter.com/FadY7f4WRq
— Carri Schneider (@CarriSchneider) September 24, 2015
For the folks. Parents deserve a more thorough look into how their students are performing in the classroom, especially with new developments in assessment. This was the belief behind the My School Information Challenge. This idea gained greater support from the findings of Future of Privacy Forum’s new survey that set out to gain a better understanding of what public school parents actually know and want concerning the use of technology and collection of data.
New from @futureofprivacy | Beyond the Fear Factor: Parental Support for Tech and #Data Use in Schools http://t.co/SWdVkQYihY #EdTech10 — tyler (@post_west) September 30, 2015
Movers, Shakers & Groundbreakers
Going big. Ten emerging leaders were selected by Big Picture Learning and Internationals Network for Public Schools for an initial cohort of Deeper Learning Equity Fellows. We recently sat down with Andrew Frishman, Executive Director of Big Picture Learning to talk about the supports that all learners deserve — listen to the podcast here.
BPL & @IntlsNetwork are proud to announce the esteemed group of Mentors supporting the #equityfellows http://t.co/exKi831MuX #deeperlearning
— Big Picture Learning (@bigpiclearning) September 24, 2015
For more more EdTech 10s, check out:
- EdTech 10: When Working Together Works
- EdTech 10: Super School Project
- EdTech 10: Leading Toward System Change with Policy, Partnerships and Progress
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