100+ Education Twitter Accounts to Follow

We love Twitter. Not only is it a powerful way to engage with a large audience, but it is also a super efficient way to gain and share knowledge. Whether you are new to the Twitter-sphere or you are looking to build an EdTech savvy feed, finding a good base of folks to follow is key. Here is a breakdown of Team Getting Smart’s Twitter accounts + over 100 more education twitter accounts that we are currently enjoying in our feeds:
Our Favorite “Tweeters” by category
Educator Bloggers
- @Classroom_tech: Greg Garner
- @CoolCatTeacher: Vicki Davis
- @E_Sheninger: Eric Sheninger
- @FSSimon: Fran Simon
- @JohnHardison1
- @LiangVergara
- @LindseyOwn
- @mcleod: Scott McLeod
- @TracyClark08
- @aleshabishop
- @COJasonGlass: Eagle Co superintendent Jason Glass
- @DDance_BCPS: Baltimore Co superintendent Dallas Dance
- @DeborahGist: Tulsa superintendent Deborah Gist
- @Hagdogusc Santa Ana deputy superintendent David Haglund
- @HannaSkandera: Hanna Skandera, NM chief
- @SuptChang: Boston superintendent Tommy Chang
- @tgrierhisd: Houston superintendent Terry Grier
- @kycommissioner: Terry Holiday, KY chief
- @LouisianaSupe: John White, LA chief
- @MiamiSup: Miami Dade superintendent Alberto Carvalho
- @mjmsuper: Michael Martirano, WV chief
- @thomascmurray Future Ready lead at Alliance for Excellent Education, Tom Murray
Edtech News & Media
- @AdvocateforEd
- @DeeperLearning
- @EdSurge*
- @edutopia
- @eschoolnews
- @GSVMedia
- @InsideHigherEd
- @TechCrunch
- @THE_Journal
Thought Leaders
- @AnnieMurphyPaul
- @arotherham: Andy Rotherham, Bellwether Education Partners
- @briangreenberg: Brian Greenberg, Silicon Schools
- @cybraryman1: Jerry Blumengarten
- @HFMarcChun: Marc Chun, Hewlett Foundation
- @jcasap: Jaime Casap, Google
- @John_Bailey: John Bailey, Foundation for Excellence in Education
- @kcator: Karen Cator, Digital Promise
- @mcandler: Matt Candler, 4.0 Schools
- @MichaelBarber9: Sir Michael Barber, Pearson
- @MichaelBHorn: Michael Horn, Christensen Institute
- @MichaelPetrilli: Mike Petrilli, Fordham Institute
- @NeeravKingsland: Neerav Kingsland, Relinquishment
- @NextGenStacey: Stacey Childress, NewSchools Venture Fund
- @NickDonohueNMEF: Nick Donohue Nellie Mae Education Foundation
- @rickhess99: Rick Hess, AEI
- @Scottb_edu: Scott Benson, NewSchools Venture Fund
- @susanpatrick: Susan Patrick, iNACOL
- @ThinkSchools: Alex Hernandez, Charter School Growth Fund
Cool Schools
- @aspire: Aspire Public Schools
- @BigPicLearning: Big Picture Learning
- @DSSTPubSchools
- @ExpedLearning: Expeditionary Learning
- @HighTechHigh
- @IDEAschools: IDEA Public Schools
- @NAFCareerAcads: National Academy Foundation (NAF)
- @NewTechNetwork*
- @SummitPS: Summit Public Schools
Foundations & Impact Organizations
- @BroadFoundation
- @CarnegieCorp
- @ChristensenInst
- @DigitalPromise
- @DigLearningNow*
- @excelined*
- @Gatesfoundation*
- @Hewlett_Found
- @LearningAccel*
- @MSDF_Foundation
- @nacol*
- @NellieMaeEdFdn*
- @OfficeofEdTech
- @WallaceFdn
Some of our Favorite EdTech orgs
- @Agilix*
- @AltSchool*
- @Andela*
- @BloomBoard*
- @BridgeIntlAcads*
- @BrightBytes*
- @ClassDojo*
- @ConnectionsAcad*
- @CurriculumAssoc*
- @CanvasLMS from @Instructure*
- @codehs*
- @codeorg
- @Coursera*
- @DiscoveryEd
- @DIY*
- @DreamBox_Learn*
- @EdElements
- @Edmodo*
- @eduClipper*
- @eSparkLearning*
- @GA General Assembly*
- @GoNovoEd*
- @K12Learn*
- @LearnZillion*
- @MasteryConnect*
- @MIND_Research*
- @NoRedInk*
- @OpenEd
- @plearnchat
- @PresenceLearn*
- @schoola
- @Udemy*
Maker & Project-based
Team Getting Smart. Our handles, our passions, our favorite hashtags and what makes us tweet:
- Getting Smart (@Getting_Smart) supports innovations in learning, education & technology. Our mission is to help more young people get smart & connect to the idea economy. 50 Favorite hashtags here.
- Tom Vander Ark (@tvanderark) is Chief Education Officer and blogs between mountain bike rides (chronicled on Instagram). Favorite hashtags #EdLeaders #SmartParents #PersonalizedLearning (and #FatBike, #Handlebar, #MtnBike).
- Karen Vander Ark (@KarenVanderArk) is CFO of Getting Smart. She enjoys watching our crew stay SMART, the creativity of a great team, and letting Twitter educate her everyday.
- Caroline Vander Ark (@cvanderark) is COO of Getting Smart and our resident food blogger. Twitter helps her stay active in the education innovation discussion, catch breaking news, share new recipes and get tips on fun ingredients and cooking techniques. Favorite hashtags: #blendedlearning #edtechchat #cooking #recipes.
- Mary Ryerse (@maryryerse) is Director of Strategic Design at Getting Smart and loves to connect people, learning, ideas, and technology and finds Twitter helpful for all of those things – especially for promoting the good work others are doing. She’s mom to three active boys and favorite hashtags include: #PersonalizedLearning #EdTech #SmartCities #SmartParents #CareerReady
- Carri Schneider (@CarriSchneider) is Director of Knowledge Design at Getting Smart and uses Twitter for all things learning! The thing that gets her most excited about Twitter is the use of images to complement those 140 characters. She doesn’t love DMs, but she really enjoys authentic Twitter conversation. Favorite hashtags include: #SmartParents #DeeperLearning #EdTech #BlendedLearning #EdData #SCLchat
- Allison Brumley (@AllisonBrumley) is Operations Manager of Getting Smart and our event guru. A cupcake baking, event planning, mother of one bouncing baby boy – she digs twitter for parenting resources and cupcake recipes. Fave hashtags: #Parenting, #Cupcakes, #EventPlanning
- Bonnie Lathram (@belathram) is Learner Experience Manager at Getting Smart and mom of two kids and a rescue pit bull named Roxy (Roxy makes it impossible to have any other pets as we trust her with our children but with no other living things). She is co-authoring a book titled Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning (publishing in August). Bonnie lived in Tanzania for two years- so she follows #globaled and is writing about innovations in learning around the globe at #SmartPlanet. She tweets to learn. Favorite hashtags: #SmartParents, #deeperlearning #edchat #globaled #SmartPlanet #ProfDev.
- Megan Mead (@MegMarMe) is Growth Services Manager at Getting Smart and “doing the best she-can with love, laughter, and wine” mother of two boys. She digs all things STEM, early ed, and leadership with a particular love for math education. She tweets to get smarter. Favorite hashtags: #MathChat, #STEMChat, #PBL, #Parenting, #SmartMath, #SmartLeadership.
- Tyler Nakatsu (@post_west) is Managing Editor of GettingSmart.com. He enjoys everything urban running, mind mapping, national service, surf culture and hip hop. He’s all about making real the stories of students defeating the odds, succeeding in college, career and contribution, and doing it in their own unique ways. Favourite hashtags: #StuVoice #OppYouth #CareerReady #Storytelling.Favourite handles to follow: @OppNation @stu_voice @PaulSchmitz1 @nprviz @RoadTripNation
- Jessica Slusser (@Jess_Slusser) is a Project Coordinator at Getting Smart and new #SmartParent to be later this summer. Twitter helps Jessica continuously learn and keeps her in the know with local/national news, all things education, and important updates about baseball or football depending on the season. Favorite hashtags: #DeeperLearning #EdTech #Parenting #EdLeaders
- Catherine Wedgwood (@gscatherinew) is the Communication & Marketing Manager at Getting Smart and Twitter helps her stay connected to communication leaders and follow industry trends. She is interested in anything to do with changing the current education system structure, especially the utilization of blended learning and more technology in classrooms. Favorite hashtags: #digitallearning, #blendedlearning, #edreform, #edtech, #flippedclassroom.
Current Team Favorite
- @podcaststartup: The podcast about start ups that is our teams latest podcast obsession. A series from Alex Blumberg (This American Life and Planet Money) that follows the journey of start ups (in real time).
For more see:
- Crowdsourcing Hashtags for Connected Educators Month
- To Tweet Or Not To Tweet: There Really is No Question
*Indicates Getting Smart Advocacy Partners or portfolio companies of Learn Capital where Tom Vander Ark is a partner.
Justin Aglio
Great list @MegMarMe!
Thanks Justin!
Great list! I follow a lot of these already and I can vouch for some of the great content most of them post!
Megan Mead
Appreciate it Roz! Let us know if there are any we missed ;)
Tonya Blaylock
Great list!!
Looking forward to trying Twitter - 1st timer!
Cherryl Paul
Fantastic way to capture and share insightful information. Keep the network buzzing!
THANKS FOR THE RESOURCE! I plan to use this list regularly:-).