Infographic | What is student data?

Just what do we mean when we say “Student Data?”
That’s the question explored in a new infographic & video from our friends at the Data Quality Campaign.
DQC explains:
“There are many types of data that support student learning—and they’re so much more than test scores. But individual data points don’t give the full picture needed to support the incredibly important education goals of parents, students, educators, and policymakers. See the types of data that can come together—under requirements like privacy and security—to form a full picture of student learning. When used effectively, data empowers everyone.”
To get a full, clear picture, important requirements must be met for information to be truly useful and to truly empower people.
When students, parents, educators and policymakers have the right information to guide their decisions, student achieve their best.
The “What is Student Data” video provides more detail about ed data as a tool for empowerment.
For more information:
- Download DQC’s full “What is student data” infographic.
- Check out all the great resources Data Quality Campaign has to offer – including The Roadmap for Safeguarding Student Data and Data FAQs.
- Review how your state is doing in ExcelinEd’s Snapshot of State Laws on Student Data Use, Privacy and Security.
This post is a part of a Student Data Backpack blog series in the upcoming “Getting Smart on Personalization and Privacy” Smart Bundle produced in partnership with the Foundation for Excellence in Education’s Digital Learning Now initiative (@DigLearningNow) and the Data Quality Campaign (@EdDataCampaign). Join the conversation on Twitter using #EdData.
Benjamin L. Stewart
I also tend to view student data as being 1) qualitative and quantitative and 2) internal and external. The internal and external juxtaposition can be at the individual, classroom, and/or school or district level. It could even be at the city, state, or country level. The underlining point then is how transparent the educative experience will be in order for student data (in all of its forms) to be a part of an overall conversation around improving student outcomes.
I find it interesting that school administrators are left of out of the graphic depicting those who are responsible for student achievement.
In my opinion one of the biggest factors with student success is the teacher. If a teacher is respected and valued, the student is a lot more likely to put a higher value on the class. Speaking from personal experience as well, I think parents have less of an impact on school success the older you get.