Tom’s 30 Best Blogs of 2013

Blended learning went mainstream in 2013–truckloads of tablets showed up at schools; there was an explosion of apps; platforms got a little better; we still have a lot to learn.
All the developments kept us busy. Here’s the creme de le creme, the top ten percent, of Tom’s contributions on Getting Smart this year.
Most Popular
1. 10 Characteristics of Great School Cultures
2. 38 Elementary & Middle Schools Worth Visiting
3. 35 High Schools Worth Visiting
4. 10 Strategies & Apps to Manage the iPad Classroom
5. 25 Smart #SocialMedia Tips For #EdLeaders
6. 10 Burning Questions About Innovations in Learning
7. Leading for Deeper Learning: 10 Proven Strategies
8. 125 Top Blended Learning Blogs
9. Engagement & Employability Driving Next Gen Platforms
10. Smart List series: 500+ people & orgs making a difference
Tom’s Favorites
1. Powering Lifelong Learning Relationship
3. Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning
4. Networks, Platforms, & Procurement
6. Summit Denali: 12 Components of an NGLC Winning Design
7. “Keep Your 3, I Want My A”: What’s Up With Standards-Based Grading?
8. Smart Cities: Early Observations
9. 10 Promising Models & What it Means for Leaders
10. Next-Gen Advisory: 10 Keys to College & Career Readiness
State & District Policy
1. What Role Should States Play in the Shift to Personalized Learning?
2. Try This: 10 Things Every State Should Do Now
3. The Digital Learning Opportunity & What it Means for School Finance
4. How Frames, Plans, Platforms & PD Support Great Teaching
5. 10 Ways Smart Cities Develop & Support Teachers
6. 10 Elements of Next-Generation K-12 Systems
7. Seven Trends Impacting Edu-Jobs
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