Video: Blended Learning Models

Shifting to a blended learning environment with 1:1 student devices is never easy- it takes so much work and investment from not only the staff, but also from the students, parents and surrounding community that teachers may start to question if it’s really worth the effort. In the newest installment of the DLN Smart Series videos, we hear from teachers, administrators and edtech specialists who have made the leap and fully believe that blended digital learning truly makes school better for all students.
Some want to say technology is just a passing fad and students can learn without it. Those doubters need to hear Samone Graham, a teacher in the Mooresville District explain how digital technology has completely transformed the culture of her classroom to one where she learns just as much if not more from her students as they learn from her. Sal Khan testifies to the fact that class is no longer about the one size fits all lecture, it’s about having time to interact with the human beings in the room. Stephen Dackin is excited because his students in the Reynoldsburg District are liking school again – engaged and invested in their learning. Hear from these experts and more about the best steps to take when implementing blended learning.
If you haven’t seen the first in this series, watch Funding the Shift to Digital Learning.
Both videos from Digital Learning Now! align with the Smart Series white papers published over the past year. The other three videos that round out this series will soon follow.
Digital Learning Now! is a Getting Smart Advocacy Partner.
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