Navigating the Digital Shift: Implementation Strategies for Blended and Online Learning

Navigating the Digital Shift: Implementation Strategies for Blended and Online Learning
Authored by: John Bailey, Carri Schneider, Tom Vander Ark
With Contributions from: Samuel Casey Carter, Lisa Duty, Scott Ellis, Bryan Hassel, Emily Ayscue Hassel, Nathan Martin, Daniel Owens, Susan Patrick, Beth Rabbitt, Chris Sturgis, and Alex Terman
Download: PDF, ePub File, Kindle, iBookstore
In partnership with: Digital Learning Now, Foundation for Excellence in Education
This is a collection of interactive papers that provides specific guidance regarding the adoption of Common Core State Standards and the shift to personal digital learning.
In August 2012, Getting Smart embarked on a journey with John Bailey and Digital Learning Now (DLN), to chart a course for leaders who were exploring new digital learning territory. The result of this exploration is the release of this ebook, a culmination of eight white papers and complementary infographics in the DLN Smart Series, each addressing a key implementation challenge at the intersection of digital learning and Common Core. The ebook brings together updated versions of the papers in the series, a new introduction and conclusion, a welcome from Gov. Jeb Bush and a series of forewords from respected leaders in the field.
“Navigating the Digital Shift” is divided into two sections–the first offers a full Blended Learning Implementation Guide 2.0 that walks leaders through key decisions and considerations to create a successful blended learning program in their school or district. The second, provides details on policy implications related to blended and online learning with separate chapters related to competency-based learning, student data, improving teaching conditions & careers, and online learning myths.

DownloadNavigating the Digital Shift: Implementation Strategies for Blended and Online Learning

Getting Smart Staff

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