Smart Lists: 40 Top Charter Networks & School Managers

We’ve updated this post for 2017! Check out our latest list: 75 Top School and Charter Networks!
Getting Smart is acknowledging people and organizations making a difference with a series of back to school top 10 lists. During August we will run about 40 ‘best of’ lists, not in order, not exhaustive, just people we appreciate.
Today we are recognizing 30 great charter management organizations and 10 EMOs. They have all achieved scale, impact and/or influence.
East Coast Networks
Achievement First: CT, NY & RI
Brooke Charter Schools: Boston
E.L. Haynes: Washington DC
DC Prep: Washington DC
Uncommon Schools: NY & NJ
Mastery Charter Schools: Philadelphia
Match Education: Boston
Friendship Public Charter Schools: Washington DC
Central Networks
KIPP: a national network
Breakthrough Schools: Cleveland
Brighter Choice: Albany
LEARN Charter School Network: Chicago
Noble Network of Charter Schools: Chicago
Charles A. Tindley Accelerated School: Indianapolis
Gestalt Community Schools: Memphis
IDEA Public Schools: south Texas
Uplift: Dallas
YES Prep: Houston
West Networks
Alliance of College Ready Public Schools: Los Angeles
BASIS Charter Schools: Phoenix
High Tech High: San Diego
Rocketship Education: CA, TN, WI
Summit Public Schools: Bay Area, CA
Green Dot: Los Angeles
DSST Public Schools: Denver
Great Hearts Academies: Phoenix
Strive Preparatory Schools: Denver
Educational Management Organizations
Connections Education: national online learning provider
K12: national online learning provider
Mosaica Education: NY, GA,
National Heritage Academies: MI, OH, NY
Responsive Education: 4 brands in TX
Academia: FL
Leona Group: AZ, FL, IN, MI, OH
Insight Schools: 13 states
AdvancePath Academics: dropout prevention network
We left off some great emerging school networks. Â Who would you add to the list?
AdvacePath is a Learn Capital portfolio company. Â Connections and K12 are Getting Smart Advocacy Partners.
Mary Ellen Waithe, PH.D.
I nominate the Caesar Chavez system in DC! They have significantly raised the reading and math scores of their children, most of whom come from immigrant, poor families who don't speak English at home. But the dedication, hard work, and individualized attention means that their students SOAR!
Tom Vander Ark
I love the public policy frame at Caesar Chavez, they really ask kids to wrestle with big questions.
Hi there! For Responsive Ed, we actually have 8 brands across Texas and Arkansas, including a school for Autistic students and a Virtual Academy for online learners. Please visit our website for more information:
Sidney Faucette
EMO Addition: I recommend the addition of Choice Schools Associates, doing business in Michigan.