Meet Generation Z, Revisited

“Meet Generation Z” is one of our most read posts on Getting Smart and that definitely makes sense to us. Generation Zers are todays students- they were born 10 to 20 years ago and they have their specific preferences and style for learning and for living life. They’ve grown up in an unique era that has positioned them to take on the world with an new perspective. Adam Renfro clearly defines this generation in his post, “Meet Generation Z.” The Getting Smart team is deeply dedicated to understanding this generation in order to help work towards ensuring schools meet their needs, but  we also realized that the Getting Smart community wants to know more, too.
Using Adam’s original post, we created a Haiku Deck to compliment his astute insights and descriptions of the students we work to help change the education world for everyday. Please feel free to use this presentation and share whenever needed. The better we all understand where our kids are coming from, the easier it is for all of us to work for what’s best for them.
Shankar Poncelet
I really liked this presentation a lot. Overall, it's quite positive. I feel that it reflects the potential of this generation to turn around many negative trends that have developed during the past 3 decades. Also, the dangers mentioned are real! I hope that many people from various generations watch this presentation. To me, this is a message of hope…a step towards enlightened earth citizens. Great job Haiku Deck!