Infographic: Does America Have the Right Stuff?
Knewton recently published an infographic on STEM Education in the U.S. It poses the question: Does American have the right stuff to produce to the next Pete Conrad, Steve Jobs and others?
At the rate we’re going with our STEM Education approach, the infographic implies that the answer is simply – no. America ranks globally 31st in science and 23rd in math. A huge majority of students are taught subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and math by teachers who do not have a major, minor or other certification in the subject areas.
The Obama Administration and U.S. Department of Education recognize that our curent school systems are lacking in a STEM approach, which is why they’ve called for 100,o00 new STEM educators in the next decade.
Yet, there’s solutions that superintendents, educators and leaders can do now to address the growing need for STEM Education. The infographic says that rich multimedia like videos, games and simulations can spark interest and engage students in maths and sciences. What’s more, hands-on labs and science fairs can further increase STEM exposure and interest.
The infographic invites students to enter a forward-thinking challenge to create new ideas and inventions in science, engineering and more. For more, visit
Created by Knewton and Column Five Media
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