AdvancePath Boosts Utica Grad Rates
Dr. Christine Johns, superintendent, reported improved graduation rates despite tougher requirements. She credits a dropout prevention program that she introduced this year:
Our AdvancePath Academy made a tremendous difference in its first year. AdvancePath Academy was introduced this year to improve the success of our alternative education program. I’m pleased to announce that the number of graduated nearly tripled through the program. Even more impressive is the fact that 100 percent of the students graduating through AdvancePath will be attending some form of post-secondary program this fall.
Dr. Joe Hairston of Baltimore County has also been crediting AdvancePath with improving graduation rates over the last three years.
AdvancePath, as noted in Innosight’s report The Rise of Blended Learning, is a school model that combines online learning with a personalized small school culture and support system.  Despite big academic deficits when they enroll, over 90% of the students exit successfully.
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