
General Colin Powell advocates for immigrant rights on MSNBC, in particular the passage of the DREAM Act, which is a proposed piece of bipartisan legislation that would provide undocumented students brought to the United States (as children) with the opportunity to earn permanent legal status if they came to the U.S. when they were very young, lived here for at least five years, stayed out of trouble, earned a high school diploma or GED, and completed at least two years of college or military service.
The Department of Education released a video titled “College Is ‘Un Sueño Alcanzable’—An Attainable Dream.” The video profiles Samantha Hernandez, a sophomore at California State University Dominguez Hills, and shows the support she receives as she pursues an education to attain her career and life goals. Samantha’s story is told in her own words, as well as those of her fellow students, faculty advisor, college president, and family members—all in Spanish
EdWeek reports that the Department of Education is establishing a 15-member commission, to be run by the Office of Civil Rights, to explore seeking greater fiscal-equity in schools, as stipulated in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
EdWeek reports that twenty-one non-profits and higher education institutions won grants from the U.S. Department of Education to help plan for a Promise Neighborhood, the administration announced today.
The Associated Press takes a look at the Promise Neighborhoods initiatives, and some of the hopeful applicants.  The article prominently features the work of Harlem Children’s Zone founder (and EEP signatory) Geoffrey Canada.
The New York Times reports that despite rising tuition and student-loan debt levels, the long-term payoff from earning a college degree is growing, according to a report to be issued Tuesday by the College Board.  The report also finds that college grads break even at 33.
United Press International reports on a new American College Testing (ACT) study – “Mind the Gaps: How College Readiness Narrows Achievement Gaps in College Success,” (pdf) – concluding that racial/ethnic and income gaps may be dramatically reduced when students take classes focusing on essential knowledge and skills necessary for college and career readiness.
African American Reports covers Oprah’s “big announcement” yesterday, during which she donated $1 million to six high-performing schools. Those schools were:
•Aspire Public Schools (California)
•Denver School of Science & Technology (Colorado)
•LEARN Charter School Network (Chicago, Illinois)
•Mastery Charter Schools (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
•Sci Academy / New Orleans Charter Science and Math Academy (Louisiana)
•YES Prep Public Schools (Houston, Texas)
·         The Wall Street Journal reviews Waiting for Superman. “In 111 piercing minutes of film, Davis Guggenheim offers something that reams of foundation reports, endless pieces of bipartisan legislation and oceans of newspaper ink never have: a stunning liberal exposé of a system that consigns American children who most need a decent education to our most destructive public schools.”

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