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Advisory systems are a way for students to build relationships with adults and peers, reflect on their learning, and set goals for the future. They also help students explore career options and plan for postsecondary education.
Strong secondary schools use advisory systems to reflect on social and academic growth, set short and long-term goals, and help learners tell their stories.
Advisory systems are the front line of monitoring the need for student support. They are often part of the foundation of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to ensure that all students’ needs are met through increasingly targeted interventions across three levels of support.
Advisory systems are often the focal point for career exploration and job awareness.
This process helps students develop and implement a plan for learning after high school based on interests, skills, values and goals.
Advisors play an important role in helping learners select pathways and courses. In some cases, they can facilitate choice in learning experiences including co-authoring a project, shaping work-based learning, or initiating entrepreneurial activity.
In addition to the core functions, there are five other dimensions of support and guidance related and often incorporated into advisory systems: positive culture, skill building, coordinating work-based learning, building social capital and promoting wellness.
A positive school culture is one where all students feel safe, respected, and valued. It is a culture where students are motivated to learn and grow, and where they feel supported by their teachers and peers.
Advisory systems often include self-management and relational skill building and may include or coordinate supplemental development of other priority skills such as financial literacy, digital citizenship, study skills and project management.
Advisors often help learners identify work-based learning opportunities including job shadows, client projects, and internships.
Schools can play a pivotal role in leveling the social capital playing field.
Both qualitative and quantitative data from the last few years have made it abundantly clear that wellness plays a huge role in social and academic growth.
The tech industry has developed an array of solutions aimed at supporting guidance counselors, educators, academic advisors and other key roles involved in students’ educational journeys.
AI and machine learning are quickly being incorporated into advisory systems that support learners and has the potential to extend access to personalized learning experiences, localized guidance and efficient supports.