Equity & Access

Returning to School: Why Video Is Here to Stay

[…] recording some of your direct instruction plans for learners to watch as “homework” then spending class time diving into work and building understanding. Enriched Station Rotation. Create differentiated videos for each of your small group stations so students can watch a video that you created and be working on different review activities in their […]

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Equity & Access

How Speech and Language Deficits Can Affect a Child’s Academic Success

[…] the words they hear and read. Within a classroom setting, this can impact their comprehension of new lessons or concepts, their ability to listen attentively and follow instructions, and their understanding of new vocabulary. Speech Disorders: Speech disorders encompass a wide range of conditions that can make it difficult for a child to create […]

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Personalized Learning

Personalized Instruction: The Key to Academic and Career Success

[…] and is empowered to discover and pursue the career path that best fits his or her interests, capabilities and goals. Utilizing education technology to personalize and differentiate instruction Everyone likes to talk about personalized learning that is focused on a student’s goals, but how do you expose kids to these things when their worlds […]

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Competency-Based Education

Mindful Leadership for Change

[…] the trust that is required to innovate. Leaders and Managers Leading groups in varied places on the journey are similar to but not exactly the same as differentiated learning. With adults, this is their profession, they trained for this career. The more leaders are aware of the needs and wants of a group or individuals, the […]

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A Transformative School Year with AI

[…] surrounding the ethical use of emerging tech will continue next school year.” He believes that more edtech platforms will increase their integrations of AI-related tech to provide differentiated instruction and personalized pathways to every learner.” Check out his AI-themed Wakelet collection that he and colleague Lois Alston created. I believe that emerging technology has provided […]

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The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Implications for School Districts

[…] critical. 2. Administrative Efficiency: Automating Routine Tasks: AI can handle repetitive administrative tasks such as grading, attendance tracking, and scheduling, freeing up teachers to focus more on instruction and student interaction. Resource Management: AI can optimize resource allocation, ensuring that schools make the best use of their limited resources, whether it’s managing classroom supplies […]

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New Pathways

Team Teaching, Educator Retention and Education’s Next Workforce

[…] classrooms with two teachers either within a single subject or across subjects (ex. humanities). This model has existed within the system for many years with mixed results. Differentiated positions (associate, experienced, master teachers, etc) have been attempted and discarded due to reported inadequate planning and inequitable incentive (ex. Temple City Unified School District). Described […]

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Future of Learning

Eric Sheninger’s Disruptive Thinking in our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for Their Future

[…] during the pandemic, no matter whether it was in-person and socially-distanced, learning from home–both synchronously, and asynchronously, or in some hybrid fashion where learners were engaging with instruction both in and out of their familiar learning environments. Sheninger hopes to redirect our energies to empower the same sorts of gains for students as we […]

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Future of Learning

Promoting Student Choice and Voice in Learning

[…] increase motivation for learning through the power of choice and voice. Assessment for learning helps us to keep students on track throughout our course and informs our instruction. Assessments should help students to be able to identify where they are on their learning journey and offer a variety of ways for students to show […]

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Getting Through

A Lifeboat in an Education Crisis: Supporting Educators through Inclusive Actions

[…] high school special education teacher, Kareem Neal. In this case study, he discusses the online tools and strategies he used to connect with his students during remote instruction amidst the stay-at-home orders of the pandemic.  So EALA has the Resource Library, which provides resources from case studies, to resource compilations, to strategies that you […]

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